lundi 29 août 2011

Terrorisme palestinien: l'art de l'understatement de l'AFP

Les agences sont passées maîtres dans l'art de l'understatement pour accabler Israël et minimiser les actes terroristes commis par les Palestiniens.  Nous avons donc comparé comment l'AFP, Reuters et AP avaient rapporté l'attentat perpétré par un terroriste palestinien aujourd'hui à Tel-Aviv.  Pour l'AFP, un terroriste palestinien devient "un jeune agresseur" et "un jeune homme".  Les deux autres agences mentionnent d'autres attaques terroristes contre des Israéliens, pas l'AFP... Extraits:

AFP (repris du site de La Libre Belgique).
"Sept personnes ont été blessées à Tel-Aviv dans la nuit de dimanche à lundi quand un Palestinien a foncé au volant d'un taxi volé [photo ci-dessus] contre un groupe de gardes en faction puis les a attaqués ainsi que des passants avec un poignard, a-t-on appris de source policière.

"A 01H40 locales du matin, l'agresseur, un jeune homme d'une vingtaine d'années originaire de Naplouse (Cisjordanie), a volé un taxi à Tel-Aviv dont il a légèrement blessé le chauffeur à la main avant de l'éjecter du véhicule pour prendre sa place au volant. Il a ensuite foncé sur un groupe de gardes-frontière en faction devant le Club Haoman 17, blessant deux d'entre eux", a affirmé à l'AFP Louba Samri. [...]

Le jeune agresseur "est ensuite sorti de la voiture et a attaqué avec son poignard les passants et les gardes-frontière, blessant encore quatre personnes, dont deux gardes-frontière, en criant "Allah Akbar" (Dieu est le plus grand)", a-t-elle ajouté."

Associated Press
A Palestinian attacker wounded seven Israelis, one critically, near a Tel Aviv nightclub early Monday, hitting a police checkpoint with a stolen taxi and then stabbing others, police said.

Meanwhile, Israel's military ordered more troops to the border with Egypt following intelligence reports of an impending attack by Gaza militants, the military said.  Earlier this month, militants opened fire on a desert road in that frontier area, killing eight Israelis. [...]

The attacker in Tel Aviv was a Palestinian in his 20s from the city of Nablus [...] He then got out of the car and stabbed passers-by, she said, while shouting "Allahu akbar" - Arabic for "God is great," a phrase often used as a battle-cry by Islamic militants.  The wounded included four policemen and three civilians, Samri said.  [...]

Such attacks inside Israel, once common, have fallen off in recent years as Israeli and Palestinian forces have restored security in the adjacent Palestinian territory of the West Bank. But some violence has continued, with one Israeli killed in a similar attack with a vehicle in Tel Aviv in May.

A Palestinian from the occupied West Bank commandeered a taxi in the Israeli city of Tel Aviv before dawn on Monday, stabbing the driver and then injuring seven others, including police officers, after crashing into a roadblock, a police spokeswoman said.

Police suspect the perpetrator, who was in his 20s and arrested at the scene where he was also injured, "carried out an assault for nationalist motives," spokeswoman Luba Samri said.

She said the suspect was from the West Bank city of Nablus, and that he shouted "Allahu Akbar" (God is greatest) when he struggled with police as they arrested him.

[...] police have also been on the alert for possible attacks inside Israel after heightened tension along Israel's borders with Gaza and Egypt in the past 10 days.

The assailant "stole a taxi cab and drove it to the nightclub with the express intent of carrying out an attack," she said. He stabbed and injured the driver, then crashed into a police roadblock outside the club, and got out of the cab and stabbed officers and civilians, she added.  [...] The violence related to the Gaza-Egypt border area has killed more than 40 on all sides -- Israelis, Palestinians and Egyptians -- since an August 18 gun attack that killed eight Israelis then sparked a series of clashes and assaults."

1 commentaire :

Anonyme a dit…

L' Agence des Faux Papiers est là pour militer et non informer. Ils en arrivent parfois jusqu'à se contredire dans une même dépêche.
