"In our meeting we focused on the Palestinian Authority's achievements of the recent years and I commended the Prime Minister for his leadership in undertaking remarkable institution-building efforts and the delivery of public services to the Palestinian population.
My message to the Prime Minister and to Palestinians is clear: we have stood by you in this journey and we will continue to do so. In fact the European Union stands as the largest donor to the Palestinian people, including through UNRWA. From 2000 to the end of 2011, the EU has committed nearly 4 billion Euros in assistance through various instruments. So, our commitment is clear. To give you a concrete example, the Prime Minister and I will travel to Jericho right after this Press Conference to inaugurate the Palestine College for Police Sciences which was co-funded by the European Commission. At the College we will sign a cooperation agreement worth 20 million Euros in support of the Rule of Law and Democracy. This shows that our support is not just in words but also deeds. We are effectively advancing our common agenda in support of democracy, human rights, the rule of law and good governance.
The truth is that through our overall political and financial support we are laying the foundations of a future democratic and viable Palestinian state – its institutions and its infrastructure. [...]
Meanwhile it is important that the two parties do not act in a way that undermines the viability of a two-state solution. In this respect it is with concern that we see the continuous growth of settlements in the West Bank, including East Jerusalem. [...] Note: si M. Barroso se réfère à la Cisjordanie (West Bank), la Commission elle utilise le terme "the Occupied Palestinian Territory".
2 commentaires :
J'ai eu des problèmes de connexion avec ce site depuis plus d'une semaine alors que je n'avais pas de problème avec les autres sites.
Que Monsieur Barroso aille dire aux 8000 employés de PSA qui vont perdre leur travail (du moins à ceux qui ne sont pas pro-palestiniens et/ou musulmans) et à ceux qui souffrent partout en Europe (Espagne, Italie, Grèce, etc ...) que l'argent des Européens est distribué en grande quantité et à volonté à Monsieur Abbas et aux palestiniens pour que celui-ci fasse construire d'immenses et de somptueuses villas à Gaza pour lui et ses fils, et pour que les ONG palestiniennes ou pro-palestiniennes financent des programmes dans les écoles primaires de Gaza et de Cisjordanie qui appelent à tuer des Juifs : je dis bien juifs et pas seulement juifs israëliens.
Israël fils de pute. Vive la Palestine
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