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Les bureaux de Google à Tel Aviv |
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People find information about their friends and family. |
Google Suggest – [permet d'avoir des suggestions de Google (avec le nombre d'occurrences)] au fur et à mesure qu'on saisit le mot recherchéThe Autocomplete Search Tool that let us “search faster than the speed of typing” was fully developed in Israel. Personally, I find this tool way too intrusive. I don’t like to have the impression that I am so dumb that an algorithm can predict what I am about to search for. I am afraid that tomorrow a machine will know what I am about to think.
Digital Dead Sea Scrolls Project. Google has digitized one of the oldest manuscript ever discovered and allows everyone to examine it online with high resolution. For instance, if you search for “And the world shall dwell with the lamb,” you can instantly find the exact location in the digital version of the original scroll. This project was such a success that in the first day it was live more people saw the dead sea scrolls than in the entire year before.
Inna was very excited to present the work Google has done with the Yad Vashem memorial, dedicated to victims of the Holocaust. This collaborationhas created an online collaborative archive of photographs of the museum. Basically, Google uploaded thons of physical documents, such as photos. Anyone, anywhere can not only find information about each person and/or location in the pictures but also easily add information.
Google Insights for search started in Israel and now is being improved by Google engineers all over the world. It is a free tool to analyze search queries. However, only ratios and not the total number of queries are revealed. For instance, you can verify that the total amount of searches for the term “Pele” was about three times higher than ”Maradona” in the past 30 days. [Article dans Le Point (06/08/2008): "Google Insights for Search (Aperçu des recherches faites sur Google) est un service qui va faire parler de lui. [...] la dernière trouvaille du géant de l'Internet permet de consulter librement les intérêts de recherche des internautes sur une période donnée. Concrètement, il est possible de savoir ce qu'ont cherché les utilisateurs de Google, par catégorie, par période et par zone géographique".]
In-Page Analytics [analyse d'audience de site] was fully developed in Israel. Basically, it lets you quantify precise information about your website. For instance, you can measure the percentage of visitors who clicked on any clickable item in your website.
Receive emails through SMS in Ghana. Google Israel developed an app that allows people to receive emails in SMS format. In Ghana, just like in Guinea Conakry where I worked, broadband internet is not widespread. However, most people have cell phones. When you send an email to someone registered in this service, the person receives the email as a SMS. I hope Google has found a better way of filtering spams than in regular Gmail.
Interactive videos in youtube started in Israel and was taken to Mountain View to be fully developed.
“Got the wrong Bob” for Gmail, Priority inbox for Gmail, Hot topics and hot searches, all started in the Israel office.
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