Le blog The New Antisemite, News of Jew hatred from Europe rapporte cet article paru dans le Huffington Post américain:
Similarly to his Belgian coreligionist, it's not just the antisemitism that bothers him, but the lack of response from the public, the media and the government.
Huffington Post (French Jews Migrate to Israel Citing Rising Anti-Semitism). Extraits:
"But rising anti-Semitism may be the strongest driver, manifest not only through rhetoric but also action. In 2012, a radical Islamist gunned down four people at a Jewish school in Toulouse.
More recently, two of Tibi’s children were taunted on a tram. Tibi filled out immigration papers three weeks ago, making good on a project he had contemplated for years. “My son is always asking me why there are police in front of his Jewish school, why we need to be searched each time we go to the synagogue,” he said. “We are raising our children to live with this fear.”
What troubles Tibi most is the lack of response on the part of the French. “Once we had one million French on the streets against anti-Semitism. Now we have three million on Facebook and Twitter who are supporting Dieudonne,” he said, referring to a controversial French comic who is known for his anti-Jewish discourse." SUITE.
Commentaire d'un lecteur américain du site: "As a Jew living in the U.S., I have experienced anti-semitism from time to time, but rare and widely spaced. To have to leave the country of your birth in a situation like this would be heart-wrenching. But this does not surprise me in the least about Europe."
Il faut rappeler cette constatation de Roger Cukierman, président du CRIF: "La majorité des Juifs ont peur de mettre leurs enfants à l'école publique"
Ce site est dédié aux millions d'Européens qui, malgré d'incessantes campagnes de désinformation, ne croient pas que les Juifs ne sont capables que du pire; ne dissimulent pas leur antisémitisme dans le langage de l'antisionisme; et savent qu'Israël représente ce qu'il y a de meilleur dans une démocratie.
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