jeudi 5 novembre 2009

L'Amérique rejette le rapport Goldstone - l'Europe doit être convaincue

Le Congrès américain s'oppose au rapport Goldstone (Guysen Israel News)

Le Congrès américain a voté, ce mardi, une résolution demandant au président Barack Obama de s'opposer à toute approbation du rapport Goldstone sur l'offensive israélienne dans la bande de Gaza au début de cette année.
Il semble que, par contre, Israël doit faire du lobbying en Europe

Baudouin Loos, qui cite Reuters, écrit dans Le Soir, qu'"une initiative franco-britannique cherche à faire prévaloir un compromis, soit le renvoi pour plusieurs mois du rapport Goldstone à Genève assorti d’un appel à Israël et au Hamas pour qu’ils lancent des enquêtes indépendantes sur les crimes allégués, conformément aux recommandations dudit rapport."

Ce qui équivaudrait à entériner l'équivalence entre un état démocratique et un groupe terroriste.
PARIS (EJP) article de Maud Swinnen

The European Jewish Congress (EJC) is actively lobbying European governments to vote against the Goldstone Report on the Gaza war when it is discussed on Wednesday in the United Nations General Assembly in New York. The EJC, which is a body representing Jewish communities across Europe, called on European and other democratic nations to challenge the ‘automatic tyrannical majority’ in the UN.

Thus far no European nation has voted for the Goldstone Commission Report, either during the resolution for its mandate nor when voting for its ensuing resolution in the United Nations Human Rights Council.

"I hope that this trend will continue and that Europe can enlist like-minded nations to ensure that no democratic nation votes for a resolution on the Goldstone Report," EJC President Moshe Kantor said. "We need a coalition of decent democratic nations to combat the automatic tyrannical majority that can impose its views at will by sheer weight of numbers and nothing else," he added.

The EJC said it is "deeply concerned" that the United Nations structure is being hijacked by nations who want to use their voice to suppress true human rights.

"The fact that the person who is pushing the Goldstone Report onto the General Assembly agenda is the Libyan President of the General Assembly, Ali Abdesselam Treki, speaks volumes about the so-called concern for human rights," Kantor said. "Nations like Libya, Iran and Pakistan, who are ranked among the worst offenders of human rights and racism, fight for power and control in the United Nations system not to serve humanity, but to deflect any criticism aimed at their authoritarian leadership."

The EJC feels that many of the United Nations institutions like the Human Rights Council, the General Assembly and the Durban process do not serve the purpose they were built for. Unfortunately, the original and moral mandate of the UN is being hijacked for political agendas at the cost of millions of people who desperately seek its help."

- US Congress condemns UN Goldstone Report, 344 to 36; full text & voting breakdown (UN Watch)
House Votes to Denounce Goldstone’s Gaza War Crimes Report (The Washington Independent)
- Response to Goldstone from one of the co-sponsors of the resolution, Rep. Howard Berman (D-Calif.), after the former claimed the resolution was significantly factually inaccurate. (Via Israelly Cool):
Berman’s Response to Goldstone on House Gaza War-Crimes Resolution (The Washington Independent)

1 commentaire :

Anonyme a dit…

vous ne croyez pas qu israel doit une fois pour toute convenir que la france ait vraiment pro-arabe ? les britaniques par traditions le sont :