Traduction anglaise, extraits:
Christer Ewe en privé: We have quite a few Kurds and people from the FRY — Kosovo Albanians. Plus we have Vietnamese who arrived here in the 80s, but they behave themselves. They have integrated and found jobs. But it is certainly not incorrect to claim that the Muslims are not the best behaved group. They are very good at breeding and at abusing our system.
CE: I can’t comment on that. That people with hostile views on immigrants have been here. I have received both immigrants and other people during this period and I have told them that we should
first and foremost focus on looking after the immigrants that are already here, and that is something that I still believe in.
Journaliste: But in the footage you claim that Muslims are good at two things, namely to breed and to abuse the system.
CE: That I have never said, I am confident about that.
Journaliste: You have never said that? No. So where do you believe that we got this information from? [...]"
Par ailleurs, Tony Blair déclare que: "Le meurtre du soldat Rigby démontre qu'il y a un problème au sein de l'islam". (Daily Mail)
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