"Accepting and legitimizing Hamas is an obstacle to peace. If the international community tells Hamas that via terrorism and killing civilian we will still legitimatize you, why would they turn to the path of peace?" (Dr. Tawfik Hamid)
"Hamas obstacle to peace
On the 15th of April, MEP Nickolay Mladenov hosted a conference in the European Parliament dedicated to the Hamas Organization and the implications of European engagement with it on the Israeli-Palestinian peace process.
Mr. Mladenov invited two distinguished guests from the United States, Mrs. Nonie Darwish and Dr. Tawfik Hamid, to share their deep understanding of the motives and goals of the fundamentalist Islamic Movements and the implications of it receiving legitimacy.
Nonie Darwish, [Arabe et musulmane, Nonie Darwish est née au Caire et a grandi à Gaza à l’époque où Nasser promettait de détruire Israël. Son père, Mustapha Hafez Darwish, dirigeait à l’époque les services de renseignement à Gaza. C’est lui qui crée les Fedayin, ces groupes armés qui mènent des attaques en territoire israélien pour y semer la mort et la destruction.] daughter of Lt.-Gen. Mustafa Hafez, who founded the Palestinian fedayeen units, which launched terrorist raids across Israel's border during the 50s and 60s, grew up in Gaza. She told the audience of a number of her experiences there and how the spreading of hate towards Jews and Israel was a common day affair:
"The hatred was mainstream, it was preached in the Mosques, schools, in theater, TV, movies – everywhere we were taught to hate the Jews…"
"Money was never given to build housing or factories, it was always to fund organizations such as the fedayeen in the 1950's and Hamas today."
She further emphasized the dire consequences of Europe engaging Hamas:
"The conflict is not over land anymore. Listen to what they are saying in Arabic to their citizens. They are subjected to daily indoctrination to kill Jews wherever you find them."
"There are many moderates in the Arab world, who want to end the hate speech, but engaging Hamas would weaken them. By talking to Hamas we say that terrorism and violence are the way of doing things. If Hamas will receive legitimization, it will mean that the Hamas methods work."
"We cannot continue to tolerate intolerance. It is not a virtue – it is gross negligence."
Dr. Tawfik Hamid [Tawfik Hamid est un ancien membre de l'organisation terroriste Jamaa Islamiya. Médecin d'origine égyptienne, il vit en Occident et milite pour une réforme de l'islam.], a former member of an Egyptian terrorist organization (and former colleague of Dr. Aiman Al-Zawaherri, who later became the second in command of Al-Qaeda) is today an Islamic reformer and a Senior Fellow at the Potomac Institute for Policy Studies.
Dr. Hamid's exceptional knowledge of the jihadi mindset led him to the following conclusions:
"Hamas are liars, they say they are not anti-Semitic and are not a religious organization, while the name of their organization is called the Islamic Resistance Movement and their flag says 'No God aside of Allah and Mohamed is a prophet of Allah' – the sentence one states to become a Muslim."
"Accepting and legitimizing Hamas is an obstacle to peace. If the international community tells Hamas that via terrorism and killing civilian we will still legitimatize you, why would they turn to the path of peace?"
"Only when the international community will have a clear a strong stance against Hamas demanding they hold to the three conditions, only then will Hamas turn to the path of peace."
Today, after recognizing the threat of radical Islam and the need for a reformation based upon modern peaceful interpretations of classical Islamic core texts, Dr. Hamid has completed a fresh and theologically valid interpretation of the Quran to counterbalance radical teachings and has recently published a book named "Inside Jihad".
Following a heated and emotional Q&A, MEP Mladenov summarized the conference, stating:
"Hamas’ success would fan the flames of terrorists who will feel empowered that by randomly killing civilians they can achieve their goals. Its victory would be a victory for religious extremists who want to hijack an otherwise peaceful religion. Its triumph would not deliver the free and secular Palestine that people living in Gaza and the West Bank want.""
Source: European Friends of Israel
Hamas, real obstacle to peace ?
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