Ce graphique/flowchart ayant pour thème l'antisémitisme a été créé par A.B Landis et est diffusé sur les sites de médias sociaux tels que Twitter, Facebook et Imgur. CIF Watch estime qu'il est important de le partager. (Cliquez ICI pour aller à l'image d'origine @ Imgur, puis cliquez à nouveau pour l'agrandir.)
On notera en bonne place le dessin du caricaturiste français Zéon:
A.B. Landis explique sa démarche @ Facebook:
With the events of Summer unfolding so dramatically and tragically, there was much debate about Israel, Palestine, truth, fiction, right, wrong, human rights, war crimes, terrorism, genocide, apartheid, and ultimately—antisemitism.
Looking at the 'Free Palestine' marches in Europe, and the violent acts of some—many jews felt the echoes of World War II anti-semitism. Some critics of Israel cried 'foul' on the anti-Semitic charges, while others in forums on social media made popular venomous hashtags like #Hitlerwasright and #UnbonJuif alongside the legitimate #FreeGaza and #FreePalestine.
So—what IS hate-filled anti-semitism? and what is legitimate criticism of Israeli policy on the occupied territories? When do you have the right to speak out against Zionism, and when should you question your own motives?
To help you with this distinction, I offer the following:
<a href="http://imgur.com/T7bzdwf"><img src="http://i.imgur.com/T7bzdwf.png" title="Hosted by imgur.com" /></a>
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