Le Figaro (02/02/2015): "En réponse à
Charlie Hebdo, l'Iran a lancé un concours de dessins raillant l'holocauste, rapportait samedi le quotidien
The Independant, comme l'a repéré
France TV Info.
L'objectif ? Récompenser les meilleurs dessins niant l'existence de l'Holocauste. Il s'agit de répondre à la une de Charlie Hebdo montrant une caricature de Mahomet, diffusé une semaine après l'attentat contre le siège de l'hebdomadaire satirique le 7 janvier dernier."
Gene @
Harry's Place rapporte:
At the end of an
AFP report on an Iranian-sponsored anti-Islamic State cartoon competition comes this intriguing bit of news:
[Masoud Shojai] Tabatabai [the contest organizer] is also the organiser of a competition of cartoons on the Holocaust, launched in late January in response to the publication by Charlie Hebdo of cartoons of the Prophet Mohammed.
That competition, which was criticised by some in the international community who expressed fears of anti-Semitism, has been suspended until further notice because of “budget” problems, he said.
This comes after
more than 800 entries were submitted from around the world. Imagine the disappointment.
I don’t pretend to know the real reason behind the “suspension.” I doubt it reflects any softening of the Iranian regime’s attitude toward Israel and the Jews. Perhaps Iran’s financial difficulties (brought on by sanctions, collapsed oil prices and general corruption) really
are bad enough to allow for only one cartoon competition annually.

As I
noted last December, the regime was so desperate for money that it was allowing young men to buy their way out of an obligatory two years of military service. And of course such financial stringency may be required to fund essential projects like
the most opulent mausoleum in the world for the late Ayatollah Khomeini.
De nombreux Européens ont envoyé des dessins - les champions étant les Français et les Turcs:
Dozens of Europeans
signed up
to Iran's Holocaust cartoon contest. These included artists from
Belgium, Bosnia-Herzegovina, Bulgaria, Croatia, Czech Republic, Denmark,
Estonia, France, Germany, Greece, Hungary, Poland, Portugal , Romania,
Russia, Serbia, Slovakia, Spain, Sweden, Switzerland, Turkey, UK,
Top countries are Turkey and France, with 17 cartoonists each. All other countries have 1-8 representatives.
The antisemitic artists are listed below by country.
Geoffrey Delavallee
Luc Descheemaeker
Nancy Staquet
Siegfried Verbeke
Tom Herck
Tom Huylebroeck