dimanche 3 mars 2013

Stéphane Hessel avait convoqué Shimon Peres devant le 'tribunal Russell' à Bruxelles

Stéphane Hessel, l'indigné 'cinq étoiles' [comme Beppe Grillo] et contempteur d'Israël qui a osé comparer le Hamas à la Résistance française et Israël au régime nazi, était président d'honneur du fumeux 'Tribunal Russell sur la Palestine'. Or peu avant sa mort, le 'tribunal' avait envoyé une convocation insultante au Président Shimon Peres pour qu'il se présente devant le tribunal et qu'il fasse libérer le terroriste Marwan Barghouti...

"We would like to formally invite you to take part in this historic event. We would also like to seize this opportunity of this letter to ask you, in your position as Nobel Prize winner, President of the State of Israel and someone that has always advocated a just and durable peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, to free Marwan Barghouti. This would enable him to be in Brussels with us on these two days. Such a gesture from you would certainly be as important as the one F.W de Klerk did with Nelson Mandela in 1991 [ceci est un argument particulièrement cynique puisque le 'tribunal' a déclaré qu'Israël est coupable de crimes d'apartheid... et Pierre Galand, qui a signé la lettre, qualifie Israël d'"Etat voyou" - Comme l'a bien écrit Robin Shepherd le Tribunal Russell Tribunal sur la Palestine déshonore les victimes de l'apartheid]. It would also mark a new beginning for Israeli-Palestinian relationships that I am sure will be a revolution in itself." (Pierre Galand)

Signée par Pierre GALANDGeneral Coordinator of the Russell Tribunal on Palestine (20 février 2013)
Shimon Peres
President State of Israel

Dear Mr President,

The Russell Tribunal on Palestine is a people’s initiative whose proceedings were launched in 2009 in response to a call from Ken Coates, Chairman of the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation, Nurit Peled, Sakharov Prize for Freedom of Thought 2001, and Leila Shahid [l'arrière-petite-nièce du collaboratuer de Hitler Hadj Amin al-Husseini, le Mufti of Jerusalem, et cousine de Yasser Arafat], Ambassador of Palestine to the European Union (EU). The RToP follows on the footsteps of the people’s tribunals established by the philosopher Bertrand Russell on Vietnam (1966-1967) and the Lelio Basso International Foundation for the Rights and Liberation of Peoples of Latin America (1974-1976).

[Il convient de noter que le philosophe Bertrand Russell n'avait pas une bonne opinion de l'islam - mais ça ils ne le disent pas: "Le bolchevisme combine les caractéristiques de la Révolution française avec celles de la montée de l'Islam [...]. Marx a enseigné que le communisme est fatalement prédestiné à se réaliser; ce qui correspond aux traits orientaux du caractère russe et produit un état d'esprit qui n'est pas sans rappeler celui des premiers successeurs de Mohamed [...]" "Parmi les religions, il convient de comparer le bolchevisme à l'islam plutôt qu’au christianisme ou au bouddhisme. Le christianisme et le bouddhisme sont essentiellement des religions personnelles, avec des doctrines mystiques et l'amour de la contemplation. L’islam et le bolchévisme ont une finalité pratique, sociale, matérielle [non-spirituelle] dont le but est d’étendre leur domination sur le monde."]
Noting the failure of third parties to push Israel to respect fundamental international legal norms and to comply with their international obligations, the RToP seeks to contribute to a just resolution of the conflict by mobilizing public opinion, enhancing the role of civil society and providing it with the legal tools it requires to take action.
On March 17, the RToP will convene for its closing session in Brussels. At this event, the members of the Jury will review the findings of the previous four international sessions of the RToP, which highlighted the complicity of third parties (the United States, the European Union, the United Nations, and multinational corporations) in breaches of international law by Israel in Occupied Palestine.
The Jury of the RToP will be composed of figures that are known for their activism in support of peace and justice: Dennis BANKSAngela DAVISJohn DUGARDLord Anthony GIFFORDMiguel Angel ESTRELLAStéphane HESSEL (décédé mais son nom y figure toujours), Ronald KASRILSMairead Corrigan MAGUIREMichael MANSFIELDCynthia MC KINNEY [icône du conspirationnisme post 11 Septembre], José Antonio Martin PALLIN and Roger WATERS.
We would like to formally invite you to take part in this historic event. We would also like to seize this opportunity of this letter to ask you, in your position as Nobel Prize winner, President of the State of Israel and someone that has always advocated a just and durable peace between the Israelis and the Palestinians, to free Marwan Barghouti. This would enable him to be in Brussels with us on these two days.  Such a gesture from you would certainly be as important as the one F.W de Klerk did with Nelson Mandela in 1991. It would also mark a new beginning for Israeli-Palestinian relationships that I am sure will be a revolution in itself.
We thank you in advance for taking this letter into consideration and for letting us know if you can participate in the event.
With best regards,

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