L'Union européenne a publié une liste de projets qu'elle pilote ou finance dans de nombreux pays. Elder of Ziyon s'est intéressé aux priorités des eurocrates (EU project lists indicate Israel is less liberal than any Arab country). En effet il semble que les eurocrates pensent qu'Israël a un très gros problème en matière de prévention des conflits, démocratie, gouvernance et droits de l'homme - par rapport à ses voisins arabes. Ce tableau montre les nombreux projets que l'eurocratie finance, selon leurs critères, dans quatre pays du Moyen-Orient:
IsraelEgyptJordanYemenConflict prevention 17002Environment/natural resources 1001Governance, democracy, human rights and support for economic and institutional reforms
5Human development 7321
There is an EU project in Israel, costing €130,625 to promote freedom of expression. Because that is a major problem in Israel, apparently. There are no similar projects in the three Arab countries I looked at. In fact, not one of their projects included the word "freedom."
Another EU project in Israel is to support anti-racism education. The other countries? Nada. Racism among Arabs? Not a problem to the EU.
The list of EU projects in Israel goes on and on... two programs protecting rights for asylum seekers, four separate programs against alleged Israeli torture, and every single left wing NGO you can think of (Machsom Watch, Breaking the Silence, B'Tselem, Yesh Din, Gisha, Rabbis for Human Rights...) is getting hundreds of thousands of euros.
Arab anti-Israel organizations get funded through the EU-Israel program as well, such as Shabab "to mainstream human rights to face racist trends in Israel."
Very little can be found to help poverty-stricken Jews in Israel, however.
Nothing is being spent in Egypt or Jordan about strengthening their peace treaties with Israel. Nothing that promotes normalization (with one tiny exception.) Nothing addressing Arab anti-semitism. Nothing about incitement in Arab media. These aren't problems, you see.
The EU is making clear that it believes that Israel is the Middle East country that needs its wisdom and influence the most. It is even clearer, based on these projects, that the EU considers Israel and only Israel to be the obstacle to peace in the Middle East, and that Israeli Jews are the most racist and intolerant group in the entire region.
I wonder if anyone audits these funds at all. What are the success criteria? Where is the transparency? Or do the anti-Zionist NGOs have a free annual income from the EU in perpetuity, as long as they put the right code words in their descriptions ("justice," "anti-racism," "rights"....)?
Well, that's not quite true. These NGOs also have to churn out reports that prove Israeli Jews are bigots. The smallest incidents must be magnified and exaggerate and documented in excruciating detail, in order to ensure that the EU money spigot flows forever."
2 commentaires :
* L’eurodéputée socialiste, aryenne, soutient Assad et accuse Israël de nettoyage ethnique ...
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