vendredi 25 octobre 2013

Jewish Woman (Marina Shiffrin) in Taiwan Goes Viral

Pour nos jeunes lecteurs et lectrices et tous ceux et celles qui passent de très longues heures au travail.  Source: Larry @ Jewlicious:

Marina Shifrin leaned in… leaned in so far that her video has gone viral this week and it has accumulated more than 6.6 million views so far – 2.8 million in the past 12 hours. [Et ça n'a fait que progresser depuis le 2 octobre, la vidéo comptabilise à ce jour 16.511.044 de views...]

Shifrin is a journalist who scored a job in Taipei at Next Media Animation. Living in Taiwan was not as fun as Manhattan. She spent long hours at work, spent Friday nights skyping with… her father, and used that famous Jewish dating site: to find love (these are her jokes from her very funny stand up routines).  But this week, angered and fatigued at 4:30 AM, working alone in the company office, irritated that her boss (Michael) only cared about how many impressions their videos received (quantity not quality), she made a video telling her colleagues that SHE QUIT. She also dances to Kanye West’s song, “Gone.” Gone, cuz she is out of there.  See video below:

Lire la suite ICI.  Ca vaut la peine :)

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