Harry's Place: Recently the Electronic Intifada posted an article describing how:
The main source for this story is Ben Phillips, Oxfam’s Campaigns and Policy Director. He is quoted asserting, on Twitter, that:
“The blockade on Gaza prevented Oxfam’s public health programme bringing in a chlorometer to help get right chlorine levels to clean water,”
and claiming that Oxfam:
“made an application [to Israel] to import” the equipment, but “[A]fter 8 months without agreement we had to use less effective processes instead.”
I shouldn’t think many readers are fans of Electronic Intifada, but, to be fair, this seemed to be a fairly low key piece of reporting which also noted the role played by Egypt in the difficulties facing the people of Gaza. However the story was not all it seemed – for it turns out that it wasn’t Israel’s fault after all. Here is the full text of Electronic Intifada’s own correction:
The Electronic Intifada received the following email today from Alun McDonald, Media and Communications Officer for Oxfam, explaining the error: Lire la suite ICI.A story The Electronic Intifada published yesterday citing a senior official from Oxfam saying that Israel had prevented water disinfection equipment from entering Gaza was incorrect.
Ben Phillips par contre ne s'est pas excusé, a accusé le fabricant du matériel et renvoyé au communiqué d'Electronic Intifada.
It was the manufacturers. Correction and explanation to the chlorometre story here: http://electronicintifada.net/blogs/ali-abunimah/correction-oxfam-water-equipment-delayed-manufacturer-not-israel …
On se rappellera que c'est Oxfam Belgique qui avait mis au point l'image de l'orange palestinienne saignante et que c'est suite à une campagne menée par le Centre Wiesenthal qu'elle avait été désavouée mais évidemment les dégâts avaient déjà été faits.
Le thème du Juif et du sang - Oxfam 2003
1 commentaire :
Sous le masque de l'activité humanitaire Oxfam Belgique sous la houlette du Sieur Pierre Galand (anti-isrélien enragé et bcbg de la laïcité)mène campagne quasi permanente contre Israël en recourant au mensonge et à la diffamation.
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