Un extrait (ci-dessous) de l'étude de l'historien Vygantas Vareikis, de l'Université de Klaipeda, nous permet d'avoir un aperçu des idées absolument répugnantes défendues par J.B. Pranaitis et auxquelles, malheureusement, certains Catholiques semblent encore souscrire et trouver dignes d'être propagées. Le titre de l'étude de Vygantas Vareikis est éloquent: "Préconditions de l'Holocauste" - ce furent en effet des idées comme celles du Révérend Pranaitis qui rendirent le génocide des juifs possible.
(19th century to mid 20th century (15 June 1940))

by Vygantas Vareikis, Department of History, Faculty of Social Sciences, Klaipeda University
p.p. 9-10
"Anti-Judaic statements in the field of theology were repeated by priest, professor of St. Petersburg Spiritual Academy J.B. Pranaitis [photo ci-contre]. In 1911, he was invited by prosecutors to provide his expertise in Beilis’s case [sur l'affaire Beilis, voir Qui se souvient de Menahem Beilis ?, par Pierre Raiman], where he made a conclusion that Jewish religious laws permitted them to use blood in religious rituals.(1) His book "Christianus in Talmude Iudaecorum, sive Ribbinicae doctrinae de christianis secreta" was published in St. Petersburg during the years of the upsurge of anti-Semitism in Russia (1892) and was translated into German, Russian, Italian, Polish and Lithuanian.(2) In principal, J. Pranaitis based himself on the books by Johan Andreas Eisenmenger (3) and August Rohling (4), classics of religion-oriented anti-Semitism. Entdecktes Judenthum by Eisenmenger set a target "to help Jews admit their fallacy and learn about the light of the Christianity." His study interprets Judaism as a collection of stupid prejudices and degenerated law. Eisenmerger blamed Jews for the killing of God, profanation of Christ and constant harming of Christians. Most of European anti-Judaic authors reiterated the ideas by Eisenmenger. A founded presumption might be made that Lithuanian propagators of anti-Judaism were better acquainted with German, Polish and Russian literature than with the original sources of the Talmud, though J. Pranaitis spoke Hebrew and Aramaic.
In the forward of the book, J. Pranaitis wrote that his purpose was to "make every reader understand what kind of eyes Jews, followers of the Talmud, look with at a Christian man". (5) J. Pranaitis gives many quotations from Torahs and the Talmud taken without a context reflecting Jewish hostility towards Christian religion and Christ’s teaching, ideas showing that Jews may not do good to a Christian (goy), the deceit of a goy is permitted, that Jews have to harm Christians and eradicate them. (6) J. Pranatis places Judaism and Catholicism at two different extremes of the scale, saying that "Jews are praying, begging the God to ruin that vicious, godless kingdom of Rome, i.e. our holy Catholic Church, meanwhile the Pope tells us to pray even for worthless Jews in order to make them acknowledge Christ, our Almighty". (7)
The book by Pranaitis was popular both in Poland, and in Lithuania in the first half of the 20th century. It was a frequent source of reference of anti-Semitic authors in interwar Poland. (8)
In 1933, V.M.Grigas pastiched some parts of Pranaitis’s book and published them in the anti-Semitic publication "Tautos žodis". (9)"
(1) A. S. Tagier. Carskaja Rosija i delo Beilisa. Moskva, 1933. P. 17-19.
(2) Krikšcionis žydu Talmude arba slaptingas rabinu mokslas apie krikšcionybe. (Christians in the Jewish Talmud and Secretive Teaching of Rabbis about the Christianity). Collected by Rev. J. B. Pranaitis. Translated into Lithuanian by A. J. Seinai, 1912. The book by J. Pranaitis published in 1937 in Warsaw was illustrated with photos of Lithuanian priests who suffered Bolshevik slavery in 1918 -1920 (Ks. J. Pranaitis. Chrzescijanin w Talmudzie tydowskim. Warszawa, 1937).
(3) Johanes Andreas Eisenmenger. Entdectes Judhentum. Bd. 1-2. Königsberg [Berlin], 1710.
(4) August Rohling. Talmudjude. Münster, 1871.
(5) Krikšcionis žydu Talmude arba slaptasis rabinu mokslas apie krikšcionybe (Christians in the Jewish Talmud and Secretive Teaching of Rabbis about the Christianity)…. P. 5.
(6) Ibidem. P. 72 - 84.
(7) Ibidem. P. 92.
(8) Napisal Rabboni. Co Talmud movi o chrzescijanach? Wilno, 1910. A. Niemojewski. Dusza tydowska w zwierkiadle Talmudu. Warszawa, 1921. Tadeusz Zaderecki. Talmud w ogniu wiekow. Warszawa, 1935. St. Treciak. Talmud o gojach a kwestia zydowska w Polsce. Warszawa, 1939.
(9) V.M. Grigas. Krikšcionis žydu Talmude (A Christian in the Jewish Talmud)/ Tautos žodis. 1933 04-15 05 15. A separate book: V. M. Grigas. Krikšcionis žydu Talmude (A Christian in the Jewish Talmud). Kaunas, 1933.
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