jeudi 23 février 2017

4% des Juifs belges et français sont partis en Israël entre 2010 et 2015

Le rapport ne tient pas compte des Juifs qui ont émigré vers les Etats-Unis, l'Australie et le Canada.  Si 4% des Juifs français et belges ont fait leur alyah entre 2010 et 2015, la proportion des Juifs britanniques, allemands et suédois est nettement inférieure et se situe entre 0.6% et 1.7%. M. Antonio Tajani, le Président du Parlement européent, s'inquiète du déclin de la population juive européenne: «Leur nombre, qui était de 2 millions en 1991, a considérablement chuté à 1,4 million en 2010». "

Par manque de temps et de resources il est impossible de proposer aux lecteurs et lectrices un sommaire de l'article du Guardian en français.  

Via The Guardian:
Demonstration in Brussels
Some European countries have seen an increase in the number of Jews leaving to live in Israel but the numbers fall short of an “exodus”, according to a new study.
The Institute of Jewish Policy Research compared recent trends of Jewish migration with cases of mass migration in response to persecution or major political upheavals in the past.
Jonathan Boyd, the IJPR’s executive director, said: “There is no evidence of an exodus of Jews from Europe, even though the numbers of Jews emigrating to Israel from some countries in recent years – most notably France – are unprecedented.”
Two victimes of the massacre at the
Jewish museum in Brussels perpetrated
by Mehdi Nemmouche (2014)
He added: “It is clear that Jews in parts of Europe are genuinely concerned about their future, most likely because of antisemitism, but the levels of anxiety and apprehension are nowhere near those experienced during previous periods of intense stress, like the 1930s and 1940s. Drawing those types of parallels has no basis in empirical reality.”
The IJPR looked at six countries – France, Belgium, Germany, Italy, Sweden and the UK, which account for about 70% of European Jews. It concluded there had been an increase in migration, especially from France, Belgium and Italy; but in the UK, Germany and Sweden levels of migration were not unusual.
Suggesting a definition of an exodus as 30% of the Jewish population, it said 4% of Jews in Belgium and France had left for Israel between 2010 and 2015. The proportion leaving from the UK, Germany and Sweden was between 0.6% and 1.7%.
The context, said the report, was a significant demographic transformation of Europe, with an inflow of migrants from the Middle East, north Africa and south Asia, which had implications for European culture, traditions and politics. (...)
Daniel Staetsky, the author of the IJPR report, said: “European demographic and political landscapes are changing … Large segments of Jewish populations in European countries perceive antisemitism to be on the increase. There is no perfect tool to measure the prevalence and strength of antisemitic attitudes in the general public, but some phenomena can be measured by their effects.  
“Migration plays a very central role in Jewish demography, as Jews are known to move in response to a particularly acute deterioration in the political or economic situation. If Jews feel unwelcome in Europe, their movement out of Europe will serve as the first sure sign of that.” 
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