dimanche 6 janvier 2019

Amnesty International mènera une implacable campagne anti-Israël en 2019

Des documents fuités émanant de l'ONG européenne Amnesty International et l'analyse de déclarations publiques de ses responsables ont permis à NGO Monitor de conclure que Amnesty International mènera une série de campagnes intenses ciblant Israël au début de 2019 au cours de laquelle Amnesty délégitimera les liens historiques des Juifs avec Jérusalem et ailleurs, et encouragera le boycott discriminatoire (BDS) contre Israël.
1. Amnesty’s Blacklist: A “new campaign targeting some of the businesses that are profiting from human rights abuses by operating in the illegal Israeli settlements.” This language mirrors that used by UN bureaucrats preparing the UNHRC blacklist. The list is aimed at economically damaging companies that are owned by Jews or do business with Israel, and is ultimately meant to harm the Jewish state. Amnesty’s campaign is timed to bolster this UN blacklist, for which Amnesty has been lobbying intensively, and to serve as an alternative should the UN not publish its list.

Amnesty documents, seen by NGO Monitor, also show the NGO specifically seeks to censure companies that educate the public about Jewish history and historical ties to Jerusalem. 
2. “Ban Israeli settlement goods”: A continuation of a campaign to press governments, in particular the UK, to “to ban Israeli settlement goods from entering your markets, and to stop companies based in your country operating in settlements or trading in their goods.” Amnesty has built dedicated website sections for this purpose. In addition, it has supported legislation in Ireland that, if enacted, will criminalize visiting Jewish historical and holy sites, including Jerusalem’s Old City, and purchasing goods and services from Jews located for whatever reason or duration in Jerusalem and over the 1949 Armistice Lines.
Lire le document entier sur le site de NGO Monitor

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