lundi 6 mars 2017

Un avocat belge pro-BDS furieux d'être mis en cause par le Jerusalem Post

Par manque de temps, il est impossible de traduire cet article de Benjamin Weinthal.  On soulignera néanmoins la réaction de l'avocat belge Jan Fermon, l'une des nombreuses personnalités belges qui se consacrent à l'Israë-bashing international et aux appels au boycott.  Jan Fermon  a qualifié l'enquête et les critiques du Jerusalem Post de tentatives pour "réduire au silence les voix critiques d'Israël en les diabolisant injustement en les qualifiant de terroristes, antisémites, d'organisations communistes, etc."    

Jan Fermon, secrétaire général de l'IADL (The International Association of Democratic Lawyers) a envoyé un courriel au JPost affirmant que l'IADL soutient le mouvement BDS. Il a ajouté que l'IADL s'est engagé dans la solidarité avec le peuple palestinien à un stade très précoce parce que l'IADL considère que les violations du droit international et du droit des droits de l'homme par les autorités israéliennes sont un obstacle majeur à une paix juste et durable dans la région."

L'IADL défend le programme nucléaire de la République islamique, affirmant que Téhéran souhaite développer sa recherche sur la matière nucléaire à des fins pacifiques et qu'une telle utilisation est évidemment le droit le plus fondamental de chaque pays.

Le professeur Gerald Steinberg, d'ONG Monitor, basée à Jérusalem, a déclaré au Post: "Il n'est pas surprenant que ce groupe, qui aurait été créé par l'Union soviétique pendant la guerre froide, a fait de la propagande antiaméricain pendant la guerre de Corée Guerre, est maintenant engagé dans l'impitoyable propagande contre Israël. Parmi leurs 17 organisations membres on trouve la Corée du Nord."

Il ne faut pas oublier que pendant des siècles les Juifs européens, sans défense, ont été considérés comme des pleutres qu'on pouvait en faire ce qu'on voulait - les humilier, les massacrer, les exterminer.  Il est donc un choc pour certains Européens que les Juifs ne se laissent plus faire et ne sont plus à leur merci et soumis à leur bon vouloir.  Ils se défendent.  Ils répliquent.  Et surtout ils n'ont plus peur.  C'est en effet un choc et c'est insupportable.  Mais il faudra s'y faire!

The Jerusalem Post (Benjamin Weinthal):
BDS group president tried to hide PayPal account from ‘Post’
Two giant financial institutions – Dallas-based Comerica and Spain’s La Caixa – are caught in the crossfire of criticism from politicians and human rights organizations over a fiercely anti-Israel legal group’s accounts with them.

Texas State Sen. Brandon Creighton told The Jerusalem Post on Thursday, “The International Association of Democratic Lawyers [IADL] supports the Boycott, Divestment and Sanctions movement to boycott Israeli products. I do not agree with that stance and I have authored legislation to prohibit Texas from investing public funds in companies that boycott Israel.”
He added, “That [closure of the account] is unfortunately not up to the Texas legislature to decide. As a public official and voice for my constituents, my concern is to ensure that the State of Texas does not support organizations engaged in these discriminatory trade practices.”
Texas State Rep. Phil King, the author of another anti-BDS bill, told the Post that “financial institutions and companies, just like state governments, should be encouraged by their stakeholders to exercise their freedom and moral obligation to carefully choose the parties with whom they do business.” 
Dr. Efraim Zuroff, the head of the Simon Wiesenthal Center’s Israel office, told the Post, “Any steps that limit the ability of organizations which support terror and seek the destruction of the State of Israel are welcome and should be actively encouraged. This is a perfect example of such a step, which we hope will be replicated in the banking and business sectors.” 
Jan Fermon, the secretary-general of IADL and a Belgium-based lawyer, wrote the Post by email that “regarding BDS, IADL supports this movement.” He added, “IADL engaged in solidarity with the Palestinian people in a very early stage of its existence because it considers the violations of international law and human rights law... by the Israeli authorities as a major obstacle to a just and lasting peace in the region.”
Harvard law professor Alan Dershowitz told the Post, “The IADL never met an anti-American or anti-Israel extremist they didn’t support. They have absolutely no credibility among objective lawyers. Their history as a Communist front created and funded by the Soviet Union continues to motivate their biased approach. Their lack of transparency is designed to hide their real agenda, which is ideological, not legal.”

When asked about IADL’s funding sources, the NGO’s president Jeanne Mirer wrote in an email to the Post, “Tell him [the Post reporter] we do not use PayPal. They will go after them [PayPal] to cut us off.”

Mirer, a Brooklyn-based labor lawyer, wrote in subsequent emails to the Post
, “The emails you received from me were only intended for Mr. Fermon,” and, “We do not receive government or UN money.” Mirer declined to further comment on the group’s PayPal account, which is listed as a method of donation on IADL’s website. (...)

Prof. Gerald Steinberg, the head of the Jerusalem-based NGO Monitor, told the Post, “It is not surprising that this group, which was reportedly created by the Soviet Union during the Cold War, and did anti-American propaganda during the Korean War, is now pushing hard-core anti-Israel propaganda. Among their 17 member organizations is one from North Korea.”

He added, “This is consistent with the Soviet campaign on anti-Zionism, mixed with antisemitism, which later fed into the BDS movement. As if often the case with such front organizations, their finances are nontransparent. Unlike legitimate NGOs which publish audited annual financial reports on their websites, IADL provides no information other than the claim that funding is provided by member organizations – most of which also lack transparency.

Fermon said that the criticism and the Post inquiries are attempts “to silence voices that are critical to Israel by demonizing them unjustly as ‘terrorists, antisemites, communist fronts, etc.’”

IADL has defended the Islamic Republic’s nuclear program, saying Tehran “wishes to develop its nuclear matter research for peaceful use. Such a use is obviously the right most basic to each country.”
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