mardi 17 novembre 2009

La Croix-Rouge américaine ne sponsorisera pas un événement anti-israélien

Les lobbies anti-israéliens ont recours à toutes sortes de procédés et ruses pour faire croire qu'ils jouissent du soutien d'organisations prestigieuses - ce qui n'est évidemment pas le cas. Une des faiblesses du mouvement est le déficit en héros et de héroïnes. Ainsi exloitent-ils la mémoire de la jeune américane Rachel Corrie (sur la photo ci-contre la pasionaria anti-israélienne donne libre cours à sa haine de l'Amérique) qui a tragiquement trouvé la mort sous un bulldozer en défendant la "cause". (Rachel Corrie militante de l'ONG radicale ISM)

Il était donc important de faire croire qu'un événement sur Rachel Corrie organisé par un groupouscule anti-israélien à l'Université de Stanford avait le soutien de la Croix-Rouge américaine. Le site Solomonia a rapporté cette affaire et publie le démenti de la Croix-Rouge et la confirmation de la supercherie par le groupe organisateur ...

"Here's the lesson that everyone should have learned by now. The type of people who huckster plays like My Name is Rachel Corrie will do anything -- lie, manipulate, connive -- to make themselves look mainstream and get well-meaning but naive people to support them, or make it look like they do when they've done no such thing (witness the many lies of the divestment movement). Note that a representative of the Red Cross has posted a comment denying any intentional involvement in sponsoring the event. Here is the comment with formatting as in the original email that I was forwarded from another source. The revealing part is bolded:

"Thank you for your inquiry about this issue. The improper use of the American Red Cross name was brought to my attention early last week and we have been working to correct the issue. The Red Cross Club at Stanford University was asked to sponsorship an event on human rights. When the Club said no, the organizers ask if they could list the Red Cross as an organization that supports human rights in order to give the Red Cross Club some visibility on campus. You can see there was some "miscommunication." We have already asked the producer to remove our name from all materials. We received this email confirmation:

----- Forwarded Message -----
From: "Michael Vang"
Sent: Monday, November 9, 2009 11:28:10 PM GMT -08:00 US/Canada Pacific
Subject: Re: My Name is Rachel Corrie: Bio deadline tonight!
For all promotional material henceforward, American Red Cross will not be included in the cosponsorship list. We have contacted the person who is creating our programs to remove your name before it goes to press and I have contacted the Drama Department's media contact who has access to the site to remove your name from the co-sponsorship list. Your name has been removed from the facebook event and the eflyer as well. I hope this is satsifactory and I'm sorry that we weren't able to make a cosponsorship work.
Michael Vang
Producer, My Name is Rachel Corrie

The department website has already remove our name from their listing. See: We are working all get all the other departments and clubs promoting the reading to update their listings as well.
Best Regards,
Cynthia Shaw Director of Communication, Marketing & Government Relations
American Red Cross Silicon Valley Chapter"

Like that bold part? Anything to get to be able to say they had a legitimate organization sponsoring their event. Pure manipulation.

Note this from the drama department that claims the Red Cross at first was a sponsor but "pulled out":

The American Red Cross is not. They were and then pulled out. The printed posters had been printed so they still appear. Amnesty international at Stanford is the sponsor.
Patrice O'Dwyer
Stanford University
Department Administrator of Drama
Division of Dance"

Mais les organisateurs peuvent, et ce n'est pas une surprise, compter sur Amnesty International.

- Nouvelles accusations contre Israël de l'ONG européenne Amnesty International (rapport sur l'eau)
NGO Monitor: l'ONG européenne Amnesty International est systématiquement contre Israël
- Amnesty International a abandonné les Juifs à la Conférence de Durban
L'ONG européenne Amnesty Internationale attaque Israël ... à nouveau
Retrait d'Amnesty International du concert de Leonard Cohen en Israël
Amnesty’s obsession with Israel
European NGO Amnesty International: relentless and disproportionate focus on Israeli "violations"
Amnesty International: Abolishing Israel's Right to Self Defense
Amnesty International invite les détracteurs d'Israël Kathleen et Bill Christison

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