NGO Monitor publie une étude sur le tribunal belge francophone...
- Founded March 4, 2009 by the Bertrand Russell Peace Foundation.
- Goals: The Russell Tribunal on Palestine (RToP) is “an International People’s Tribunal created by a large group of citizens involved in the promotion of peace and justice in the Middle East.”
- With no judicial basis, the RToP uses a legal façade to create an image of neutrality and credibility. The sessions have “jurors” examining expert “witnesses,” and the “findings” are then published.
- The RToP is one of the “Peoples Tribunals”, instituted in 1966 by British philosopher Bertrand Russell, working with Jean-Paul Satre and others. [On notera que les soutiens du Russell sur la Palestine sont pour la plupart des has-beens très peu connus et plutôt du troisième âge... N'est pas Russell ou Sartre qui veut...]. The first “tribunal” was called to investigate the alleged war crimes of the United States’ and its allies in Vietnam. The original Russell Tribunal was heavily criticized, with even Richard Falk (Now RToP Patron) calling the original tribunal a “juridicial farce”. Over the years, other Russell Tribunals were held on human rights violations in Latin America(1973), abuse of rights in psychiatric treatment (2001), and the second Iraq war (2006 – part of the World Tribunal on Iraq).
- The third session of the RToP scheduled for Cape Town on November 5-6, 2011 will consider whether “whether Israel’s treatment of the Palestinian people fits the international legal definitions of the crime of apartheid.”
- The first session in Barcelona (1-3 March, 2010) “considered” - “complicities and omissions of the European Union and its member states in the ongoing occupation of Palestinian territories by Israel and the perpetuation of the violations of international law committed by Israel, in total impunity”. The second session held in London (Nov 20-22, 2010) “examined International corporate complicity in Israel’s Violations of International Human Rights Law, International Humanitarian Law, and War Crimes.”
- In contrast to the façade of impartiality, British solicitor Michael Mansfield – a “juror” listed for the Cape Town session - has stated that the session will examine “how much worse the situation in Israel is to the situation in south Africa that was – namely apartheid. A state of Apartheid.” (video, 18:40)
- The Tribunal’s “Support Committee” includes anti-Israel activists Pierre Galand, John Dugard, and Richard Falk; representatives from political advocacy NGOs such as ICAHD; and Goldstone Mission member Hila Jilani.
- “Objective” jurors at the Cape Town session include: Alice Walker who narrated a documentary film about Israel entitled a “Roadmap to Apartheid”; Ronnie Kasrils, who among other attacks, published an op-ed entitled “Israel 2007: Worse than Apartheid”; José Antonio Martín Pallín, who stated, “Everyone knows that the State of Israel is an artificial ad hoc creation” (translated from original Catalan); Maired Maguire, in fighting her deportation from Israel after the Free Gaza flotilla, told the Israeli High Court that “Israel must stop its apartheid policy”; and Cynthia Mckinny – a prominent “9/11 Truther” who blamed her electoral loss on “the Israel lobby” (vidoe, 6:50).
- Scheduled Cape Town RToP “Witnesses” include: Michael Sfard, legal advisor for NIF- and EU-funded grantees such as Breaking the Silence; Shawan Jabarin, alleged senior PFLP activist and director of the European-funded Al Haq; Raji Sourani, director of the EU-funded PCHR; Ingrid Jadarat, of European-funded Badil; Jeff Halper, head of the European-funded ICAHD; Archbishop Desmond Tutu, a prominent supporter of the BDS movement with a history of antisemitic remarks; and Winnie Madikizela-Mandela. [On notera l'absence et le manque de soutien de Nelson Mandela]
- On funding, the Barcelona 2009 session was supportedby a €56,000 grant from the Barcelona municipality.
- On April 20, 2011, the Russell Tribunal on Palestine was registered as a non-profit organization in Belgium. According to Pierre Galand, international co-coordinator of the Tribunal, the budget for the Cape Town session is €190,000. €100,000 was donated by Editions Indigène, the publisher of the book Time for an Outrage [Stéphane Hessel]. €15,000 was raised at a September 24, 2011fundraising event by the Belgian support committee of the Russell Tribunal.
Tiens ! Je disais que ça faisait un petit temps qu’on n’avait pas de nouvelles de l’aile gériatrique du rotary club (pompeusement baptisée tribunal Russel).