mercredi 1 septembre 2010

Incitation à la haine : Abbas avait promis à Obama d'y mettre fin ...

Lire également : Le racisme annoncé du futur Etat de Palestine, Shmuel Trigano

L'incitation à la haine des Juifs et d'Israël en Cisjordanie, sous la responsabilité de Mahmoud Abbas, est un grave problème reconnu par le Président Obama (Israël/les Juifs introduisent des drogues, propagent le SIDA, ont tué Arafat et Jésus, se livrent au trafic d'organes, sont les ennemis de l'Islam etc).  Ainsi, un communiqué publié le 9 mai à la suite d'un voyage de George Mitchell dans la région indiquait que le Président Abbas s'engagageait à mettre fin à toute forme d'incitation à la haine, à la violence etc. Or comme le révèle le rapport de Palestinian Median Watch de juin, il n'en est rien.  L'incitation à la haine et à la violence n'ont pas cessé.  Nous reproduisons ici quelques exemples, mais pour comprendre l'étendue du problème nous conseillons à nos lecteurs de lire le rapport de 22 pages.  C'est un véritable catalogue d'horreurs qui ne vient pas du Hamas mais des "modérés" de l'Autorité palestinienne !

Antisemitism - Jews are enemies of God and Arabs
The PA Mufti of Jerusalem and Palestine, Sheikh Muhammad Hussein, in the Friday sermon at the Al-Aqsa Mosque, referred to the Jews as "the enemies of Allah" :
"The Al-Aqsa Mosque is threatened by the plans of the enemies of Allah [the Jews], who have violated all faith and religious laws, and even deviated from their humanity." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida, June 26, 2010; and (Al-Aqsa Mosque Forum), June 25, 2010]

A PA TV host interviewed the four-year old son of a prisoner and called the Jews "our enemies"
PA TV host: "Ibrahim, you know - you're cute and sweet. You have a nice shirt and nice pants. You're cool. Where's Daddy? Where's Daddy? Daddy Shadi - where is he? Where is Daddy Shadi?"
Boy: "In prison."
Host: "Who put him in prison? Who is it that put him in prison?"
Boy: "The Jews."
Host: "The Jews are our enemies, right?"
[Boy nods in agreement.] [PA TV (Fatah), 17, 2010]

1 - Libel: The Jews killed Arafat (and Jesus) [ accusation récurrente (2002) : L'assistant de Yasser Arafat : les Juifs ont crucifié Jésus) For years the PA has promoted the libel that Israel poisoned Yasser Arafat. The libel was reiterated at the PLO annual cultural festival this past month, and compared Israel’s alleged killing of Arafat to the killing of Jesus. PA TV broadcast of opening ceremony of the Palestinian Third Culture and Education Festival:
Boy 1: "Father, father the Elder (Arafat). Why did it happen this way? Why did it happen this way? Death chose you, and you did not complete the path."
Boy 2: "Do not ask why it happened this way. Yesterday they (Jews) crucified Jesus; today they poisoned the father, the Elder (Arafat)." [PA TV (Fatah), June 4, 2010]

2- Libel: Israel spreads AIDS and drugs
The libel that Israel spreads AIDS and drugs has been prevalent in the PA for years, and was expressed in June at a UN-organized event to fight drugs among Palestinians held in Ramallah. The PA media did not mention whether the UN representative responded to these libels: "Senior members of the security services and the health ministry agreed unanimously yesterday about the need to fight drugs in Palestinian society as well as [sexually] transmitted diseases that are caused by their use, such as AIDS. During their participation in an Interior Ministry seminar in Ramallah called "The role of security services in fighting the HIV epidemic among drug addicts in rehabilitation centers," organized by the UN Office on Drugs and Crime (UNODC). Experts emphasized that the phenomenon has a political aspect, related to the Israeli occupation’s support for the spread of this plague, especially in the Jerusalem region, as well as health, economic, and social aspects. Abd Al-Jabbar Burqan, head of the Anti-Drug General Authority… added: "This plague is a political problem which is nurtured by Israel"." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), June 24, 2010]

3- Libel: Israel steals body parts from dead Palestinians and tortures prisoners
Issa Karake, Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, accuses Israel of stealing body parts: "Issa Karake, Minister of Prisoners' Affairs, emphasized the need to raise public Palestinian awareness concerning examination of the bodies of Shahids (Martyrs) and agreement to their autopsies, in order to halt the violations of the Shahids and their pure bodies. He announced that his ministry had established a committee of lawyers, which would deal with all the Israeli violations, including theft of the Shahids' organs and the holding of their bodies in cemeteries for enemy casualties. He noted that there has been a rise in the phenomenon of prisoners sick with cancer in the occupation's prisons.

This [announcement was made] during Minister Karake's meeting with [Swedish journalist] Donald Boström yesterday at the Ministry of Prisoners' Affairs in Ramallah. The meeting dealt with the subject of Shahids' bodies, theft of Shahids' organs, and field executions of prisoners carried out by the occupation authorities, since the Swedish journalist Donald Boström had previously raised the subject of theft of the organs of Palestinian Shahids… The Minister of Prisoners' Affairs spoke about this issue and said that since the publication of Boström's article in the Swedish press, he has encountered great interest among Palestinians, especially in the wake of indications in this regard and important evidence concerning the theft of Shahids' organs." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), June 10, 2010]

"A center for human rights active in the Palestinian territories yesterday warned of organ theft from the Shahids (Martyrs) of the Freedom Flotilla and of experiments being carried out on the prisoners by the Israeli occupation forces, especially since it has been proven that they have done so in the past. The Risalat Al-Huqouq (‘Message of Rights’) Center stated in a press release that the documented facts show that Israel is carrying out such despicable acts." [Al-Hayat Al-Jadida (Fatah), June 3, 2010]

Complots, conspirations et empoisonnements ... rien de nouveau:
- Le poison invisible qui a tué Arafat a été identifié (Firas Press)
- Mahmoud Abbas craint d'être tué par Israël qu'il accuse d'avoir tué Arafat
- L'enquête sur l'"empoisonnement" d'Arafat progresse, selon son neveu
- How's the Arafat "murder" investigation going?
- Il y a cinq ans, la mort de Yasser Arafat... et la naissance d'une théorie du complot (Rudy Reichstadt)
- Leïla Shahid: "Ainsi, trois jours après la disparition d’Arafat, Leïla Chahid – alors déléguée générale de Palestine en France – déclarait sur Europe 1 que la thèse de l’empoisonnement n’était "pas seulement une rumeur [mais] une conviction profonde, très logique" pour les Palestiniens. Et Leïla Chahid d’ajouter : "Les Israéliens ont essayé de se débarrasser de Yasser Arafat depuis l’arrivée de Sharon au pouvoir"."

La thèse de l'empoisonnement par le baiser :
- Israël est un cancer qu'il faut éradiquer, selon une collaboratrice d'Arafat

Uum Nasser: Oui. Bush lui a donné le feu vert [pour faire assassiner Yasser Arafat]. Il a dit à Sharon: "Vas-y." Ils ont fait cela au moyen d'un virus qui se transmet par contact physique.
Intervieweur: Ou en s’embrassant.
Uum Nasser: Oui, car il [Yasser Arafat] avait l'habitude d’embrasser tout le monde."
Uum Nasser: Nous souffrons et c'est à cause d’Israël, ce cancer qui se propage dans notre nation arabe. Nous devons par tous les moyens éradiquer ce cancer. Quand ils auront trouvé un remède contre le cancer, Allah nous donnera une cure pour nous débarrasser du cancer qu’est Israël."

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