samedi 6 juin 2015

La citation du jour - Barack Obama (26)

 Contrairement à l'Europe, les États-Unis ont toujours défendu Israël à l'ONU.

"Well, when I said after the election that we would have to evaluate our policy, I was referring to something very specific, and that is how we approach defending Israel on the international stage around the Palestinian issue.  So in terms of what the United States provides to Israel, the most important thing we provide -- security and intelligence and military assistance -- that doesn’t go away, because that is part of the commitment, the solemn commitment that I’ve made with respect to Israel’s security.  And that’s something I feel very deeply and that’s not something that’s conditioned on any particular policy.

But the practical consequence that I refer to -- let’s be very specific -- if there are additional resolutions introduced in the United Nations, up until this point, we have pushed away against European efforts, for example, or other efforts because we’ve said, the only way this gets resolved is if the two parties work together." 

"And given the incredible tumult and chaos that’s taking place in the Middle East, the hope of the Arab Spring that turned into the disasters of places like Syria, the rise of ISIL, the continuing expressions of anti-Semitism and anti-Israeli settlement in so much of the Arab world, the rockets coming in from Gaza, the buildup of arms by Hezbollah -- all those things, justifiably, make Israelis concerned about security, and security first."

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