mercredi 21 janvier 2015

Les Feujs français à Londres – portrait

Vivre à Londres a également d'autres avantages par rapport à la France: pas d'affaire al-Durah, pas de Stéphane Hessel porté aux nues et héros national, pas de Pascal Boniface pontifiant sur tous les médias sur tout le mal qu'il pense d'Israël et pour diagnostiquer que la France est malade du conflit israélo-palestinien, pas de Dieudonné, pas de Soral, pas d'extrême droite... Visiblement beaucoup de jeunes Juifs français ne veulent plus de ce quotidien d'humiliations et de violence.  Comme le pense David Horovitz, on pourrait assister au début de la fin de la communauté juive de France.

Michelle Huberman @ Jewish News: Les Feujs a Londres – French Jews in London

Ever wondered why there has been an explosion of kosher restaurants in Golders Green? It’s because of the French Jews. 

Believed to number between 10-20,000, this young, affluent and fashionable Sephardi community is turning London into their 21st arrondissement.

When they started trickling over here some 10 or 12 years ago for the highly paid City banking jobs, they would return home on Friday afternoons on the Eurostar for Shabbat with their families. But anti-semitism has dramatically risen in France and they are not rushing to return there.  The young singles are now marrying and starting families here. Their long-term goal is mostly aliyah, but in the meantime they will be educating their children here at Jewish schools.

The community is tight knit and very cliquey – they mostly socialise amongst themselves. Most live in the West End, St John’s Wood, Belsize Park and West Hampstead.  [...]  But as they are discovering, Golders Green and Hendon are not Seine St Denis, and more recently they have started moving to that side of town. Especially when they start families.  [...]

But in the mid 90′s something changed.  The second generation Maghrebi Muslims who lived in the banlieues started identifying themselves with the Palestinians.  They labelled as Zionists their Jewish neighbours and turned their anger on them. France was no longer a comfortable place for the community. [...]

*Feujs is a French slang for the Jews – a term used by themselves.

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