dimanche 18 janvier 2015

"Dans deux mois on nous traitera de sales Juifs à nouveau" en France

Un article qui, sans entrer dans les détails, décrit parfaitement la réalité de la communauté juive française.

The Guardian, via Hot Air: French Jewish exodus: ‘In two months we’ll be called filthy Jews again’

Félix Freoa was already intending to emigrate to Israel with his wife and four children in March or April. He and his family have been planning the move for the last couple of years. But after Friday’s deadly hostage-taking at a kosher supermarket they know well, they could wait no longer, and brought forward their departure. “That afternoon, we applied to go next month,” said Félix.  Freoa, 41, made his weekly visit to the kosher bakery next to the Hyper Cacher supermarket “about five minutes before” the hostage taking. “It’sthe first time we’ve been affected personally by an antisemitic attack,” he said. Like other members of the French Jewish community, he was shocked by past attacks such as the 2010 rampage by jihadist Mohamed Merad, who targeted a Jewish school.

“Toulouse was on the television,” he said, referring to the Merad attacks. “But this was real, concrete.” The Freoas only live a few minutes by car from Porte de Vincennes, in Charenton-le-Pont. “I’m worried for my children,” said Freoa. All four of them attend Jewish schools. [...]

“I’m not super-religious, but France has changed. We keep to ourselves a bit, we spend time with Jewish friends, and people are scared. We don’t feel safe like before.” He says a lot of his Jewish friends are considering emigrating now.

Would he not have his mind changed by the French prime minister, Manuel Valls, who in a speech to parliament on Tuesday condemned antisemitism in no uncertain terms and recognised French failings in the past? Valls has repeated since Friday that “France would not be France” without French Jews.  “I like Valls, I believe what he says. He took on Dieudonné [the controversial comedian], but what will happen after the march?” Freoa said, referring to the four million people who took to the streets in France on Sunday in solidarity with the 17 victims of the three jihadis.

“I don’t believe anything will happen. Look at the schools that refused to observe the minute of silence. There’s only one person taking advantage of it, and that’s Marine le Pen (the extreme-right Front National leader). She’s not for us,” he said. “In a few days it will be like nothing happened. In two months we’ll be called filthy Jews again.”

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