mardi 10 juin 2014

Un haut fonctionnaire européen se lâche vulgairement contre une ONG israélienne et maudit le sionisme

“We at United with Israel are deeply saddened by Mr. Zilli’s repeated hateful and anti-Zionist comments,” David Zeit, UWI’s executive director, said. “We hope that his hatred toward Israel is not representative of the European Commission’s view of the Jewish State.”

Le haut fonctionnaire s'était abonné à la lettre d'information en 2011 et au lieu de se désabonner selon une procédure très simple, il a préféré insulter le rabbin Ari Enkin de l'ONG United with Israel.  Contacté par le JPost et United with Israel, Mattia Zilli n'a pas daigné répondre.  C'est ça du courage et de la virilité.  On se demande s'il aurait osé lancer une diatribe pareille contre une ONG arabe.  Voilà l'ambiance qui règne chez les élites éduquées à Bruxelles, où il y a deux semaines on tué quatre personnes dans le Musée juif.

JPost: Mattia Zilli, an official with the EC's Research Executive Agency asks to be taken off newsletter of Zionist NGO using less than diplomatic language.  Israel and the EU may be appear to be cozying up with Monday's announcement of Israel's participation in the European Commission's Horizon 2020 research and innovation project, but apparently not everybody in the commission thinks too kindly of Israel.

A European Commission official based in Brussels sent an expletive-filled anti-Zionist email this week in response to receiving a newsletter that he's subscribed to issued by a pro-Israel volunteer organization.

“STOP f***ing writing me about your Zionist bullshit,” wrote Mattia Zilli, a project officer with the EC's Research Executive Agency, in an email to the director of Jerusalem-based United with Israel after receiving an online newsletter he's been subscribed to since 2011.

In response to an earlier UWI newsletter sent last week, Zilli wrote “Spare me your Zionist bullshit.”

According to a UWI spokesperson, Zilli could have unsubscribed in an easy and conventional manner at any time since signing up for it.

Zilli did not respond to queries from UWI or The Jerusalem Post, but Koen Doens, head of the spokespersons’ service at the European Commission, wrote that “Our services will immediately look into this.  Meanwhile, rest assured that the staff member of the European Commission will be told that the language used – regardless of whether or not this is in response to real or perceived harassment – is fully unacceptable. The matter will be followed up internally.”

UWI's rabbinic director Rabbi Ari Enkin said he was “shocked and saddened” by the vitriolic emails and that he would have appreciated a personal apology.

3 commentaires:

  1. J'ai toujours pensé que la vulgarité des mots traduisait un manque total d'éducation, une absence abyssale de vocabulaire et qu'elle détruisait ce qui reste en nous de dignité.

  2. - Eh oui, Anne juliette, c'est clair. Cependant...

    Je viens d'envoyer deux courriels à ce fonctionnaire européen antisémite :

    - STOP fucking writing your antisemite/antizionist bullshit.

    - Spare me your antisemitic / antizionist / anti-israel bullshit.

    Pour qu'il comprenne mieux, j'ai utilisé ses "propres" mots, son langage.

  3. Plutôt que de se demander s'il aurait osé lancer pareille diatribe vis a vis des arabes, demandons nous pourquoi nous sommes incapables de faire taire ces salopards.

    Il y a au moins un domaine ou les arabes ont beaucoup de leçons a nous donner.
