vendredi 1 juin 2012

Le groupe Schneider en Israël en vue de collaborations et acquisitions

"J'ai proposé que Schneider entre dans le marché israélien après avoir découvert chez SAP qu'il y a dans ce pays des ingénieurs de logiciels très talentueux.  Je présume que votre armée est la source de tels professionnels. De surcroît, il y a une génération de gens ici qui aiment programmer et créer. Vous pouvez trouver des programmeurs qui font ce qu'on leur demande en Inde et en Chine, mais en Israël il y a un réservoir de programmeurs qui savent extraire le maximum possible des logiciels. En fait, il s'agit de la plus grande concentration de talents dans le monde après la Silicon Valley." (Pascal Brosset, Directeur de l'Innovation chez Schneider Electric)

Globes rapporte que le mois dernier une délégation de haut rang du géant français Schneider Electric menée par Pascal Brosset s'est rendue en Israël.  Il est même possible qu'un centre de recherche soit créé en Israël.

"Israel has made a name for itself as a center of high-tech and IT know-how and development. The knowledge, creativity and expertise of Israeli engineers and programmers can also be harnessed to development in new fields, in the energy industry. That at least is the view of Schneider Electric, a global French company that specializes in products for electricity grids and infrastructure.

Last month, a senior Schneider delegation visited Israel to examine new smart grid technologies for managing and securing power and water networks. The visit followed on from a series of highly successful meetings that Schneider held with Israeli companies in Paris last December. This time, the goal was to examine possible collaborations and acquisitions. There is even the possibility of an Israeli development center being set up, after the acquisition eighteen months ago of Vilesia, a French start up that develops energy efficiency technologies and that already maintains an Israeli development center.

The possibility that Schneider, a giant company with an annual R&D budget of about €1 billion, might invest in Israeli technology and know-how is an interesting new development. Up to now, IsraeI has not featured on the map of global power companies, in contrast to computer, telecommunications and software companies. The person largely responsible for the new turn of events is Pascal Brosset, SVP Strategy and CTO at Schneider Electric, who previously worked for German software giant SAP.

"I suggested that Schneider should enter the Israeli market after discovering at SAP that there are very talented software engineers here," says Brosset. "I presume that your military is the source of such professional manpower. Beyond that, there is a generation of people here that love to program and create. You can find programmers who will do what is asked of them in India and China too, but in Israel there is a pool of programmers who know how to extract the most from software. In fact, this is the greatest concentration of talent in the world after Silicon Valley." [...]

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