jeudi 9 décembre 2010

Pièce de théâtre antisémite jouée au Centre polonais à Londres

L'ONG Palestine Solidarity Campaign a tenu une soirée au Centre communautaire polonais à Hammersmith,. A cette occasion, la pièce, considérée comme antisémite, Seven Jewish Children, fut jouée.  "Le fait que le Centre communautaire polonais autorise qu'on joue dans ses locaux une pièce antisémite alors que trois millions de Juifs furent assassinés par les nazis en Pologne rend l'événement doublement insultant."  Depuis, le Centre, qui a vraisemblablement été trompé quant à la nature de l'événement, a publié un communiqué prenant ses distances. Ca les incitera à être plus vigilants la fois prochaine.

Source: Richard Millett (Doughnuts, candles and anti-Semitism). Extraits:

The concert consisted of classical piano compositions, Palestinian music and a couple of short plays, one called Love Amidst the War and Isiah and the other called Seven Jewish Children.  Complaints had been made to the Polish Centre about the latter play on the basis that it is anti-Semitic, which it is.

And for a Polish community centre to show an anti-Semitic play when three million Jews were murdered by the Nazis in Poland made the event doubly insulting.  In fairness the centre probably didn’t know the nature of the booking and once booked it was too late. Last night it issued a statement distancing itself from the event and racism in general.

In 10 short minutes the play portrays Jews as being transformed from being murdered into being child killers themselves. This is the old anti-Semitic myth updated for modern day audiences and the play is performed many times throughout the year for free.

Contre-manifestation de protestation devant le centre:

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