dimanche 30 août 2009

Des syndicalistes interpellent le syndicat suédois actionnaire d'Aftonbladet

La puissante confédération suédoise des syndicats (LO) détient 50,1% du capital du journal Aftonbladet [1], le tabloïd qui a accusé Tsahal de vols d’organes, et contrôle sa ligne éditoriale.

Une association de syndicats TULIP (Trade Unions Linking Israel and Palestine) vient de demander à LO, "le plus puissant syndicat du pays," s'il compte prendre ses distances par rapport à l'article de Daniel Boström publié par l'Aftonbladet suggérant que l'armée israélienne s'est livrée à un trafic d'organes sur des Palestiniens. Ceci évoque les accusations dont furent victimes les juifs pendant des siècles en Europe - on prétendaient qu'ils commettaient des crimes rituels sur des enfants chrétiens afin de recueillir leur sang pour la confection de matzos (pain sans levain) à l'occasion de la Paque juive.

TULIP publiera la réponse de LO - si réponse il y a.

"Union-owned Swedish newspaper spreads blood libel against Jews

Aftonbladet is a daily newspaper in Sweden, owned by the country’s national trade union center (LO) and editorially controlled by them. It is also the largest circulation newspaper in the country, with more than a million readers. And this week it is the center of a firestorm of controversy.

In its Culture section, the newspaper ran a two-page feature article alleging that the Israel Defense Forces harvest organs from dead Palestinians. And it linked this horrific allegation to the recent arrests in the New York area of some rabbis which involved the sale of a kidney.

Several writers have already gone into some detail about how this all ties in to the centuries-old blood libel, which alleged that Jews kill Christian children and use their blood to bake matzo.
The Swedish government has been reluctant to criticize the newspaper and instead criticized its own ambassador to Israel who had the courage to denounce the publication of this article.

It is not clear if the Swedish unions, which own 50.1% of Aftonbladet, are prepared to distance themselves from this article. We’ve written to the LO today and will publish any reply they send us."

[1] Le restant étant détenu par le groupe de presse norvégien Schibsted.

1 commentaire:

  1. Gilles-Michel DEHARBE31 août 2009 à 00:15

    A LIRE : L’"apartheid israélien" au quotidien, face à la question syndicale.

