samedi 6 avril 2019

Comme Corbyn, Lénine avait sa propre équipe de juifs antisionistes

"Theodor Herzl voulait que le Juif devienne un type différent de Juif. Lénine voulait que le Juif devienne un type différent de non-Juif."

Colin Shindler, historien, @ The Jewish Chronicle:

L'historien Colin Shindler explique comment la Yevsektsia, la section juive du parti communiste, a utilisé son influence pour mettre fin à la vie juive.  Extrait:
As the Bolsheviks came to be seen as a permanent feature, many Zionists turned to Communism. Why build Zion in Palestine when the here and now of redemption was taking place in Moscow?

Vladimir Lenin, a minor Russian nobleman, had little understanding of the toiling Jewish masses. He never considered the Marxist Zionism of Ber Borokhov, but instead preached assimilation because he was surrounded by Jews whose Jewishness was defined by escaping from Jewishness. 
The upper echelons of the Communist party were composed of highly assimilated Jews — Trotsky, Zinoviev, Kamenev, Sverdlov, Radek — whereas the Jewish masses turned to the socialist Mensheviks. 
Yet a price had to be paid for such a switch. Theodor Herzl wanted the Jew to become a different type of Jew. Lenin wanted the Jew to become a different type of non-Jew.

In January 1918, Semyon Diamanshtein, the Commissar for Jewish Affairs and a graduate of the Telz, Slobodka and Lubavitch yeshivot, established the Yevsektsia, the Jewish section of the Communist party. He wished to unravel the fabric of conventional Jewish life and “to carry out the dictatorship of the proletariat in the Jewish street”.
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