dimanche 10 mai 2015

Juifs en Europe: un tabassage par ci, une claque par là, une insulte par ci, une tuerie par là, une conspiration par ci, un vandalisme par là. (3)

Berlin: un jeune touriste juif battu à mort par un Albanais

France: French Jews understand why Ilan Halimi's mother had him reburied in Israel 

Greece: Bishop’s new Jew-hating rant

Denmark: Anti-Semitic vandalism of Copenhagen church 

Europe: Defeating European hypocrisy

UK: Palestinian gunmen turn heroes in UK production of ‘The Siege’

Norway: May 1st march against antisemitism sports "Boycott Israel" signs 

Norway: Union not sure whether to ban antisemitic sign at May 1st parade dedicated to fighting antisemitism

France: 40 Person mob assaults 2 Jews on Paris’ Boulevard Voltaire

France: Blaming anti-Semitic and jihadist violence on Israel

Sweden: Jews are not a "problem", as long as there's only a few of them

Europe: Muslim terrorism and European Jew hatred: What’s changed in 35 years? 

Belarus: President pans Minsk governor for not taking Jews 'under control'

Finland: Finlayson ends co-operation with Kärkkäinen over "repulsive propaganda"

Sweden: Pirate Party leader - Jewish doctors shouldn't be allowed to refuse to treat Muslims

 Turkey: Islamist paper accuses Israel of kidnapping Nepalese kids for their organs

Turkey: "No pigs and Jews allowed", "Death to Jewish murderers" graffiti

European Parliament urged to ‘control’ aid for Palestinians

Netherlands: University organizes trip to Palestinian consulate on Holocaust memorial day 

Europe: Jewish leader 'way we want to live our lives not possible' 

Denmark: Buses set aflame in suspected anti-Israel attack 

Switzerland: UN to review antisemitic books at UNHRC bookstore 

Europe: 'Euro Jewry needs shift in mindset on security'

Les Pays-Bas spolient une survivante de la Shoah car elle part vivre en Israël !

Sweden: Swedish Democrat lay-judge spreading antisemitic conspiracy theories 

Netherlands: FC Groningen fans and team break into antisemitic song 

Germany: Politicians want a much tougher Berlin stance against Israel 

UK: Archbishop of Canterbury calls on Christians to fight ‘horrendous’ violence against Jews 

Scandinavian Jews move into Israeli real estate market 

France: Office vandalized with antisemitic graffiti 

Europe to 'Breaking the Silence': Funds conditional on minimum number of testimonies 

Russia: Jewish actor told to 'go back to the Promised Land' 

UK: Jewish candidate's poster defaced with swastika, Hitler mustache 

Netherlands: ‘Just not in my backyard’ for planned Dutch Holocaust memorial 

UK: Jewish reporter attacked at Galloway rally 

Belgium: Jews cannot gather freely where they want 

Hungary: 'Hanging Jewish star' graffiti 

Europe: Muslims significantly more antisemitic than non-Muslims 

UK: Taxpayers fund pro-Palestinian play based on accounts of Hamas men 

Europe: Major U.S. Jewish group accuses popular soccer website of ‘Inciting Jew-hatred’ 

Czech Republic: Anti-Semitism spiked in 2014 

Poland: Jewish gravestones used to build outhouse 

Germany: Why are Germans so quick to remove Israeli flags?

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