mardi 30 septembre 2014

Antisémitisme sans fard en Allemagne

Encore quelqu'un qui est possédé par une certaine rage...
Ynet News: New German party ousts official for anti-Semitic cartoon: The Alternative for Germany decides to expel Jan-Ulrich Weiss for deleted Facebook post accusing British Jewish banker Baron Rothschild of controlling the global media and oil industry.

The post by Weiss, which includes a caricature of Rothschild as The Simpsons' ruthless billionaire Montgomery Burns, read:

My name is Jacob Rothschild.
My family is worth more than 500 trillion dollars.
We have almost every central bank in the world in possession.
We have funded both sides of every war, since Napoleon.
We control your news media, your oil, and your government.
You've probably never heard of me."

1 commentaire:

  1. "You've probably never heard of me."

    Non bien sûr, personne en Europe ni ailleurs n'a jamais entendu parler des Rotschild !

    Ça devient vraiment pathétique jusqu'au grotesque !
