lundi 2 décembre 2013

Jérusalem: pris pour des Juifs un jeune couple arabe et leur bébé sont attaqués...

Bravo à cette famille d'avoir eu le courage de dénoncer les faits.

Palestinians attacked in J'lem after being misidentified as Jews

Three Arab youths violently attack car of Palestinian family they misidentify as Jews. 'They tried opening the doors and my wife begged them to leave us alone. She spoke to them in Arabic and only then did they understand that we ourselves are Arabs'

A Muslim family from east Jerusalem was attacked two weeks ago by three Arab youths near the road of Sur Baher. Only after the group learnt that the family was in fact Palestinian did they leave them alone. Rashuan Salman, his wife and their baby daughter were making their way from Umm-Tuba to Jerusalem, using the same road used by the family of two-year-old Avigail Ben Zion who was moderately after being hit in the head by a rock, when they were attacked. Lire la suite @ YNET.

1 commentaire:

  1. la prochaine définition sera "haïr les juifs plus que de raison"

    toute autre attitide étant admise sinon souhaitable
