mardi 26 novembre 2013

L'aliya de France progresse de 49% en 2013

Ce n'est pas étonnant.  Les Juifs américains restent en Amérique, les Juifs européens partent.

Voir également: Pas d'avenir pour les Juifs en France, Michel Gurfinkel et Les Juifs doivent quitter l'Europe, maintenant, déclare Robert Wistrich.

JPost/JTA: Aliya from France soars, while immigration from North America drops. Jewish Agency: First 9 months of 2013 sees 49% increase in aliya from France, while 8% fewer Jews immigrate from North America.

Jewish immigration from France to Israel has increased by 49 percent in the first nine months of 2013 compared to last year.

Through September, 2,185 French Jews have immigrated to Israel, compared to 1,469 immigrants during the same time frame in 2012, according to Jewish Agency for Israel figures. The number of immigrants who arrived from France to Israel during the whole of 2012 was 1,907. [...]

September brought 148 French Jewish immigrants to Israel, compared to 90 who came in September 2012.  “September numbers are usually predictive of the total numbers for the year,” said Howard Flower, director of aliyah for the International Christian Embassy Jerusalem, a aliyah partner of the Jewish Agency.

Of the immigrants to Israel this year, 3,188 Jews arrived from Western Europe — a 26 percent increase from the same period last year.

On Nov. 8, the European Union’s Fundamental Rights Agency released results of a survey among 5,847 self-identified Jews from nine European countries in which approximately a third said they had considered emigrating in recent years because they did “not feel safe” living in their countries as Jews.

The figure for Jews contemplating emigration was particularly high in Hungary, France and Belgium, with 48, 46 and 40 percent respectively saying they had considered leaving.

Experts on the French Jewish community have said that many French Jews either have considered emigrating or emigrated for financial reasons since the 2008 financial crisis, as well as the increase in anti-Semitic violence since 2009 and after the second intifada in the early 2000s.

2 commentaires:

  1. Il y a des signes avant-coureurs qui ne trompent pas.


  2. Encore une fois, aucune radio et aucune télé n'en parle, ni aucun homme politique d'ailleurs ; on n'ignore ce fait comme si, en définitif, le système politico-médiatique souhaitait fortement le départ des français juifs.
    Quand on voit tout le tapage fait autour de l'affaire Taubira par les journalistes et les partis de gauche, il faut être idiot pour ne pas comprendre que la capacité de s'indigner est totalement orientée en faveur de certaines populations et religions.
