jeudi 3 octobre 2013

Les Européens continuent à financer des ONG anti-israéliennes

“The conference is made possible thanks to the generous support of: Misereor [Catholic; German Catholic Bishops Organization for Development Cooperation], Christian Aid [Multidenominational Christian; sponsored by multiple churches in the UK and Ireland], HEKS-EPER [Protestant; their name officially translates as “aid organization for the Protestant churches of Switzerland”], CCFD [Catholic; a grouping of 29 French Catholic organizations and churches], Finn Church Aid [Finlande], Broederlijk Delen [Belgique, Catholic NGO “that specializes in development cooperation”], AFSC [USA], Rosa Luxemburg Foundation [German foundation “officially recognized as a nationwide affiliated trust of the Party of Democratic Socialism”], Mennonite Central Committee [USA], Trocaire [Catholic; official overseas development agency of the Catholic church of Ireland], St. Het Solidariteitsfonds [Pays-Bas], Oxfam GB and private donors.”

Les associations juives européennes sont trop faibles pour protester. Ces ONG sont majoritairement chrétiennes.  Il faut noter que, contrairement aux gouvernements européens, le gouvernement américain ne finance pas ce genre de propagande. Les chrétiens américains défendent Israël, les chrétiens européens non.  Et ils s'en vantent.  Voir également: France: l'ONG Action Contre la Faim fait de la propagande anti-israélienne.


  • On September 29-30, 2013, Zochrot, an Israeli NGO that promotes the Palestinian narrative of “Nakba” and “return,” has scheduled a conference in Tel Aviv titled “From Truth to Redress: Realizing the Return of Palestinian Refugees.”
  • Zochrot seeks to “raise public awareness of the Palestinian Nakba…The memory and responsibility that the Jewish public should take on the Palestinian Nakba are basic conditions to peace between people, but it is not enough. Along with it, the rights of the refugees to return must be accepted.” Thisagenda is equivalent to calling for the elimination of Israel as the nation-state of the Jewish people.
  • Also accuses Israel of “ethnic cleansing,” using the rhetoric of the 2001 Durban Conference demonization strategy.
  • According to the conference program, “The conference is made possible thanks to the generous support of: Misereor, Christian Aid, HEKS-EPER, CCFD, Finn Church Aid, Broederlijk Delen, AFSC, Rosa Luxemburg Foundation, Mennonite Central Committee, Trocaire, St. Het Solidariteitsfonds, Oxfam GB and private donors.”
  • These foundations are primarily funded by European governments (see table below). Funding for Zochrot contradicts the foreign policies of these governments. For instance, last week German Chancellor Angela Merkel told a German newspaper, “For those who share my view that the Jews as a people have a right to self-determination, Zionism as a national movement of the Jewish people is the embodiment of this very right which its opponents want to deny.”
  • Lack of transparency: The sponsors receive government funds, and are subject to democratic transparency principles on allocations of taxpayer funds. Nevertheless, the donor responses invent excuses such as “privacy” to hide the amounts given to Zochrot.

2 commentaires:

  1. Moi, je donne aux organisation pro-israëliennes, le plus que je peux. Si beaucoup d'Européens sionistes faisaient comme moi, il y aurait un juste équilibre par rapport à la profusion de dons donnés aux palestiniens par les Etats et les citoyens anti-israëliens et pro-palestiniens.

    Golda Meir a dit ;
    "Ce n'est pas la libération de la peur, mais l'équilibre de la peur qui a rendu possible la survie de notre civilisation".

    J'avais moins d'angoisses à l'époque de la guerre froide car il y avait un équilibre presque parfait entre deux blocs totalement antagonistes.

  2. Autre citation de Golda Meir :
    "Le pessimisme est un luxe qu'un juif ne peut jamais se permettre". Une belle leçon de vie pour les juifs qui aiment Israël et tous ceux qui les soutiennent.
