mercredi 23 novembre 2011

La haine des Juifs et d'Israël traverse toute la société égyptienne

"Le traité de paix entre l'Egypte et Israël de 1979 a toujours été honni par les masses. C'est un pays où le dégoût pour les Juifs, et le ressentiment venimeux envers l'Etat juif, sont communs à toutes les classes sociales."  En contrepartie, l'Égypte reçoit un aide des États-Unis de plus de deux milliards de dollars par an depuis 1979.  
L'individu qui a arraché le drapeau israélien de l'ambassade, Ahmad al-Shahat, est devenu un héros national.  Il a reçu un appartement, un emploi dans une carrière et une plaque commémorative de la part du gouverneur de sa province - c'est ainsi que son acte illégal a été récompensé.

Voir également: Die Welt brise le tabou journalistique sur l'antisémitisme des Egyptiens

Source: Daily Mail (The overthrow of Egypt's despotic ruler was hailed a success but nine months on, Peter Hitchens reports on a fearful and violent land - 20/11/2011). Neuf mois après la révolution, Peter Hitchens fait un bilan.  Extraits:

"Many reports of the Tahrir Revolution were coy – or silent – about the daubing of Jewish Stars of David on pictures of Mubarak. You can still see scribbles on the walls near Tahrir Square that make this connection. One, decorated with two stars, says baldly: ‘Mubarak is a traitor for keeping links with Israel.’

Egypt’s 1979 peace treaty with Israel has always been hated by the masses. This is a country where loathing of Jews, and venomous resentment of the Jewish state, are common among all classes.  And this is a big difficulty. For Egypt’s elite made their cold but practical peace with Jerusalem in return for £30 billion in American aid, cash that has sustained them in power for years.

Egypt’s proud patriotism is nowadays mainly based on the cult of the October War of 1973. That was when Egyptian troops drove the Israelis back from the Suez Canal, and overcame the burning shame of their rout at Jewish hands in the Six Day War of 1967.

Yet in September, Cairo’s Israeli embassy (hidden on the top of a suburban block of flats) was sacked by angry demonstrators. It took hours – and American top-level intervention – before Egyptian commandos rescued the besieged staff.

This is a shameful breach of the Vienna Convention, under which all states are obliged to defend the embassies of foreign countries on their soil. It is also a sign that the Egyptian state may not be able or willing to sustain this bargain for much longer.

What does the Egyptian elite think? Well, the man who scaled the building and ripped down the Israeli flag, Ahmad al-Shahat, is a national hero and has been given a flat, a job at a quarry and a commemorative plaque by his local provincial governor, in recognition of his illegal act.

And those who attacked the embassy with hammers (all new, and all the same brand) have been given suspended sentences by a military court. Islamic militancy is on the loose, directed against its external and internal enemies. But when you talk to, say, the official spokesman of the Muslim Brotherhood’s Justice and Freedom Party – modelled on Turkey’s successful AK Party – any certainty about anything vanishes in a fog of emollient phrases.

In his peaceful, ornate apartment in a pleasant Cairo district, the devoutly bearded Dr Mahmoud Ghozlan is endlessly reassuring. His movement has been unfairly demonised by the regime over the years. There will be changes if his party is in charge – the borders of Gaza will be opened, the Israeli peace treaty will be revised, the Americans will not be able to use Egypt to interrogate suspects, but nothing fundamental will change, at home or in diplomacy. The Copts have nothing to fear from a Muslim Brotherhood government. ‘We have lived with them for 15 centuries. We are fellow Egyptians.’

I have the feeling I so often get with Islam’s more genial spokesmen, that I am not being told everything and that maybe another message is being passed to the voters. It is impossible to know for sure. There is, however, no doubt that many Copts are emigrating, or thinking of it. I would rely rather more on their actions than on reassuring words from the Muslim Brotherhood."

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Heureusement, il y a Israël… faute de démocratie, les Égyptiens ont trouvé un ennemi

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