mercredi 15 juin 2011

Inquiétant antisémitisme dans les écoles norvégiennes

Une enquête réalisée auprès 7.212 élèves dans 48 écoles d'enseignement secondaire à Oslo révèle qu'un tiers (33.3 %) des enfants juifs sont harcelés en raison de leurs origines entre deux et trois fois par mois (contre 5.3% de musulmans, alors que les dirigeants musulmans se plaignent que les enfants scolarisés sont les plus grandes victimes d'harcèlement).

Pour une majorité d'élèves (52%) le mot "jøde" (juif) recèle une connotation négative - est une injure (comme ailleurs en Europe). De même 41% ont confirmé avoir entendu des blagues sur les Juifs et 35% des commentaires négatifs sur les Juifs. Tout aussi inquiétant, 5% ont entendu d'autres élèves nier l'Holocauste pendant la Seconde guerre mondiale (l'extermination de six millions Juifs européens - dont 1,5 million d'enfants).

Une jeune femme juive, Yael A. Regev, rappelle que le dirigeant juif Ervin Kohn a coutume de dire que la société norvégienne est exempte d'antisémitisme. "C'est ce que beaucoup d'entre nous répètent, alors que j'entends depuis longtemps des enfants me dirent ce qui se passe dans les écoles".

Kafka de l'excellent blog Norway, Israel and the Jews (The 36 bravest kids in Oslo schools) pousse la réflexion plus loin.

Quelle est l'origine de l'antisémitisme chez les enfants norvégiens? Le nombre d'élèves juifs s'élève à 160 sur un total de 615.000. Le rapport souligne qu'une large majorité (voire la quasi totalité) des élèves non-juifs n'ont jamais rencontré un collègue juif. Il est donc clair que les sentiments antisémites chez ces gosses ne découlent pas de leur vécu, mais trouvent leur source dans le récit véhiculé par la presse, leurs parents, la classe politique, les intellectuels, etc.  Ce sont eux les responsables.

Nous n'avons pas le temps de traduire l'article de Kafka et reproduisons donc ce passage en anglais:

Of this entire sample (keep this figures in mind:
- 15% reported that they had “ever” experienced nasty comments from fellow students and teachers, exclusion, pushing, or worse because of their national origin.
- 9% had “ever” had this experience on account of their religious identity.
- The concept of bullying (“mobbing”) is carefully defined as 2-3 incidents or more per month, ranging from verbal abuse to physical threats and abuse.
- Overall, 6,9% of the students experience this.
- 33% of the Jewish students experience regular bullying, defined this way. The group with the next highest incidents are Buddhists at 10%, “other” with 7%, and Muslims with 5.3%

Some specifics about attitudes toward Jews and Judaism:
- 60% report having heard students call each other “Jew”
- The report somewhat naively points out that “Jew” isn’t itself a negative term, so they ascertained that 51% believe that “Jew” is used in a negative way.

In addition,
- 41% have heard ethnic jokes about Jews
- 35% have heard libelous comments about Jews
- 4.7% have witnessed active Holocaust denial
- Only 25.6% have never witnessed anything derogatory about Jews
Then there are some disturbing minority views:
- 30% don’t think that a swastika is a racist symbol
- Only 54.4% think the term “Auschwitz” is associated with antisemitism. 21% say “no,” 22% claim they have no idea
- Only 53.9% associate “Holocaust” with antisemitism.
- Curiously, the term “homo” has become associated with antisemitism.
- 33.7% think that “Jew” is a negative word; 17% think it’s positive
- Judaism is viewed as one of the least tolerant religions in the world, only barely ahead of Islam. Bizarrely, even the Jewish respondents thought Judaism was less tolerant than Christianity.
- Similarly, respondents believe that Judaism has a relatively poor perception of women, ranking ahead of Islam by a wide margin but below all other major religions. And here, too, Jewish respondents put Christianity slightly ahead of their own religious heritage.
- 67% of Jewish respondents believe that teachers are oblivious to racism in school, by far the group with the strongest conviction about this.

Level of knowledge - students were presented with 11 assertions about racism in general and antisemitism that they could either respond “true,” “false,” “don’t know,” “unsure,” or “prefer not to answer”:

- 6% responded “don’t know” to ALL the assertions, and another 4.5% responded “unsure.” So 10.5% basically answered the question: “which is worse, ignorance or apathy” with “I don’t know and I don’t care.”
- But of those who answered the question, the average correct answer was 4.57 out of 11. Which is to say that a random group of 100 monkeys would have done better by tossing coins, approaching an expected value of 5.5. This means that a large number of students are suffering under false information.
- And it appears – though the report does a crappy job of showing this – that the largest level of ignorance is about Norwegian antisemitism, specifically that Norway had a “law” (well, really a constitution) that prevented Jews from even coming here.

This should light up warning signs within the Jewish community, parliament, the Oslo school officials, and Kristin Halvorsen’s desk. It proves that antisemitism is:

- A focal point for bigotry among school kids
- A phenomenon far out of proportion to the number of Jews who actually live in Norway. 36 kids reported being Jewish (and I suspect several of them are fake responses), but “Jew” is one of the most common slurs in all schools.
- Characterized both by prejudice AND ignorance. In particular, it would appear that Norwegian schools persist in presenting antisemitism as a phenomenon completely foreign to Norway.

Is Norway the most antisemitic Western country? Who cares? It’s bad enough.  Though I suspect that many people will read this, and figure: Why bother? It’s 36 kids. If they don’t like it, they can move."

- Oslo: Disagreement between Jewish community and Islamic Council over religious racism report
Jewish Community ‘disappointed’ over Muslim apology
NRK: ‘Has mapped anti-Semitism in schools’
Religious racism shocks officials

En Espagne aussi:
Ces enfants espagnols qui n'aiment ni Israël ni les Juifs (Un sondage réalisé en 2009 par l’Observatorio Español de Convivencia Escolar qui a mis en lumière que plus de la moitié des élèves espagnols de l’enseignement secondaire préfèrent ne pas s’asseoir en classe à côté d’un jeune juif.)

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