lundi 5 juillet 2010

Une ville du New Jersey à majorité juive élit un maire musulman

"Le maire a déclaré que les Juifs de Teaneck l'avaient aidé à être élu et que les Juifs et les non-Juifs veulent la même chose. "Nous voulons avoir des enfants. Nous voulons une meilleure vie pour nos enfants. Nous voulons vivre dans une ville où l'éducation et la qualité de vie sont bonnes, c'est tout.  Nous voulons tout simplement vivre le rêve américain," déclara Mohammed Hameeduddin."

Source: Harry's Place (Largely Jewish New Jersey town elects Muslim mayor)

Voters in Teaneck [New Jersey] have chosen the first Muslim mayor in Bergen County. And while he said his religion wasn’t a factor, it’s still a major mark of tolerance for a place with a huge Jewish population.  Teaneck has 14 synagogues and lots of stores catering to the town’s large Jewish population. And now they have a new mayor, Mohammed Hameeduddin, who is Muslim.

"What’s wrong with that?" asked resident Art Ekelchik. "He’s an American citizen. Isn’t he? That’s all that counts, right."

"He seems to be somebody who is putting Teaneck first and not necessarily religion first, looking at what’s good for the community, which is what he is supposed to do," resident Shari Baran added.

The mayor said Teaneck’s Jews helped him get elected and that the Jews and non-Jews of Teaneck want the same thing.

"We want to have children. We want a life better for our children. We want to live in a town where they have a good education with a good quality of life, you know. You just want the American dream," Hameeduddin said."

1 commentaire:

  1. Y'a pas de quoi se vanter.

    Je préfère ne pas en écrire plus.
