mardi 13 avril 2010

Dieudonné annonce sa chanson 'Holocaust Pineapples' et rencontre Ahmadinejad

"I have just finished writing a song – and I'd like to point out that it is a short song for children – and it's called "Shoahnanas," or "Holocaust Pineapples," in which I try to explain that we should not let ourselves go with the flow of this way of preferring the suffering of a certain group over others who have also suffered." (07/04/2010, Press TV) 

French Comedian Dieudonné M'bala M'bala tells Iranian TV about His New Children's Song "Holocaust Pineapples" and States: Most Slave Traders Were Jews; More Freedom of Speech in Iran Than in France (vidéo MEMRI)

Source: Mick Hartley (Dieudonné Meets Ahmadinejad)

And now, from last week, here's our man on Iranian TV. He goes through his usual repertoire:

They have organized all the wars and organized all the disorders on this planet. They were involved in the slave trade. We should know that 90% of the ships that relocated the Africans to the West Indies belonged to Jews, and the majority of slave traders were Jews.

France, apparently, is under the control of the Zionists - "they have taken France hostage":

Unfortunately, today, authorities are putting more pressure, particularly on me, directly, and other comedians are generally afraid, and freedom of expression is decreasing in France.

You, in Iran, however – especially regarding the issue of Zionism... There is a lot of freedom of expression. For Iranians who are listening to this: well, the subject of Zionism is something that's not considered a big deal, because everyone can talk about it, and everyone knows about it.

And he's even met President Ahmadinejad!

Interviewer: Would you like to tell us what happened during the meeting, and what you talked about? [...]

Dieudonné: It was essentially about people who endure injustices, and the best way for them is to resist and fight. He agreed that culture is the most effective way to fight in a pacifist manner against injustice and, consequently, Zionism, and humor, in particular. I would like to talk about this project called Shoananas. I think what really surprised me was the openness of the heart of the president, and the viewpoint that by using culture, we can change the world, change the rapport between humans, and see egotism, lies, and racism disappear – things that have been integrated by the Zionist project. I think that Iran, as an example, is creating the movement.

I can imagine that it's a heavy burden for Iranians to carry. Sacrifices and the desire of the youth to see something change, which I understand, and it is completely legitimate... I'm not going to comment on that. But you should know that these efforts have turned Iran into a country which has become the last battleground for resistance, which is helping this develop all around the world – like in Venezuela, for example.

In Europe, political movements, like the anti-Zionist party, are developing all around Europe, and was established in France by Yahia Gouasmi and me. Today it is developing in Belgium, and Switzerland, and everywhere. People are becoming more and more aware. They have begun realizing that they have been brainwashed, and these are illusions. The combatants should wake up – obviously, combatants of peace, those who are attached to justice. We have turned into sheep, kittens, who are being fed with illusions and submissiveness. Now today, the kitten becomes a lion that is turning against the Zionists. [...] It's clear that we are just at the beginning of the road, but based on the Iranian model, a revolution is developing in France, and we are adhering to the ideology.

Some hint of what the man is doing over in Iran - apart from the fact that he finds the official culture congenial - comes at the end of the interview. He wants to make a film, but since the Jews control the film industry, Iran is the only place he can find the freedom - and the money:

Interviewer: The final question I have for you is regarding the movie that you are planning to make here, in Iran. Would you like to tell us more about that? [...]

Dieudonné: In France, when I wanted to make the first movie... I just told you about the triangular trade, the slave trade, buying and selling people – men, women, and children, who were snatched from Africa, put on ships, and taken to America or the Caribbean to work in the fields, sold to families who later became Rothchilds and Rockefellers. We have never had the chance to see this story, because the extremely powerful lobby that dominated the world tells the story, using a cinema that serves its interests. It's propaganda.

Israeli investments made in arms are important, but they are multiplied by 10 or 20 when it comes to the cinema industry. This means that every time there is a bad guy in a Hollywood film, there was a time when he was Russian. Now, there is Iran. Take Radio Farda, for example. This is the strategy for the lies to conquer and dominate. Let's not forget that the cinema is, first and foremost, telling a story, that it could be a lie, because it is not a documentary. So these lies are oriented in the cinema in a way that serves the Zionists' interests. So making a movie that tells historical truth is difficult, because I've worked with a historian for over a year and a talented scenarist, and we have come up with a scenario. Does it reflect the truth? I don't really know, but it was written honestly, which is why it will only be made in Iran, of course, with international movie stars from the US and France.

Something to look forward to....

3 commentaires:

  1. Gilles-Michel DEHARBE13 avril 2010 à 23:22

    * Les fous sont aux échecs, les plus proches des rois !!!

    Ce que les antisionistes ont à cœur de nier, c’est le fait national juif dont il veulent fournir une vision macabre, funeste, scandaleuse. L’anti-sionisme cherche à déshumaniser de la sorte une fraction de l’humanité et relève du même coup du négationnisme.

    L’antisionisme, tout en prétendant critiquer le sionisme au nom du droit naturel des peuples arabes, omet que ces peuples, notamment celui de Palestine, ont accédé à la souveraineté par le biais de politiques coloniales, comme en témoignent la formation de l’Arabie saoudite et des États de la péninsule Arabique, de la Syrie, de l’Irak et de la (Trans)jordanie. Surtout : c’est faire fi de l’histoire politique, économique et sociale de l’Empire ottoman dont la Palestine n’était même pas une subdivision autonome. Le projet d’une « colonisation de la Palestine » s’effectue à proportion de la marge de manœuvre ouverte, précisément, par les autorités ottomanes. Il est avéré que la politique d’« achat des terres », réalisée par le sionisme utopiste dès les années 1850 et systématisée par le sionisme politique à partir du congrès de Bâle en 1897, n’aurait tout simplement pas été possible sans les dispositions juridico-politiques décisives pour l’avenir adoptées par les Turcs : le décret en date du 3 mars 1857, légalisant et promouvant l’immigration à l’intérieur de l’Empire et la loi de réforme foncière qui obligeait les propriétaires, en échange d’une reconnaissance de leurs droits individuels, à faire enregistrer leurs titres, et puis les soumettait à l’impôt comme à la conscription. La vente de terres « aux colons juifs » fut bien souvent le fait de grands propriétaires arabes. Sans compter que les petits propriétaires palestiniens recouraient à la procuration des premiers pour échapper à l’impôt et à la conscription. La fameuse « spoliation » des terres arabes, régulièrement dénoncée par l’antisionisme, n’a pas été le fait du mouvement sioniste, mais celui des dignitaires de l’Empire qui ne les restituèrent pas à leurs propriétaires.

    L’antisionisme, c’est l’accord d’aujourd’hui entre dominants et dominés d’hier. Évidemment sur le compte d’un tiers exclu. Les héritiers historiques du colonialisme s’alliant aux victimes de celui-ci. Comme l’Europe n’a jamais voulu penser frontalement son passé colonial, le génie de l’antisionisme, ce sera de déplacer le problème en direction du Proche-Orient et vers le conflit israélopalestinien où les Européens ne se sentent pas partie prenante. Ce qui va permettre à l’intelligentsia européenne, précisément, d’apprécier avec force et passion une histoire dont elle juge qu’elle ne la concerne pas. On parle de soi tout en faisant porter la critique sur l’autre, c’est-à-dire sur Israël.

  2. Son specetacle à Londres a eu lieu - mais ce n'était pas au Millenium Hotel. C'était au "Institute of Electrical Engineers."

  3. C'est exact !!!

    j'ai même trouvé cette vidéo
