mercredi 24 mars 2010

UK: l'importance du blog "Islam in Europe" reconnue

UK: We're number 2! (Islam in Europe)

Une étude publiée par les services britanniques du contre-terrorisme nomme 'Islam in Europe' comme étant le deuxième blog "pro-islamique" (sic) le plus influent sur une liste de 140 - voir le tableau ci-dessous.

Toutes nos félicitations à Esther pour un succès bien mérité.

David Stevens of Nottingham University, who conducted the research, identified 140 pro-Islamic blogs on the internet.  "Compared with other political blogging communities this is not terribly high," his study says.

"As suspected, any pro-Islamic blogging community is likely to be still in its early stages of development in quantitative terms. However the existence of Islamic blog-feed sites (that list recent posts across Islamic blogs in one place) indicates that the community is reaching something of a critical mass."

The anti-Islamic blogging community is much larger than the pro-Islamic network, the study found.

Lire l'article en entier :
Counter-terror officials name the 20 most influential Islamic blogs, Daily Telegraph
Le rapport en PDF:

1 commentaire:

  1. Gilles-Michel DEHARBE25 mars 2010 à 23:28

    * La gauche britannique infiltrée par des islamistes.

    * La décision d'interdire le groupe suprémaciste Islam4UK est futile.
