mardi 23 mars 2010

L'UNICEF soutient une affiche palestinienne violemment anti-israélienne

Sur cette affiche, le mot "Boycotte !", à l'impératif, est inscrit sur la hache qui détruit l'étoile de David.  Une deuxième étoile de David se trouve en-dessous à côté des stars et stripes ("bannière étoilée"), sans doute une allusion aux États-Unis. Le logo de l'Unicef se trouve en bas à gauche.

UNICEF supports Palestinian hate ad - A UNICEF-supported program's advertisement features a giant ax splitting the Star of David, by Itamar Marcus and Nan Jacques Zilberdik

Donor organizations to the Palestinian Authority have been challenged for years to prevent their well-intentioned contributions from being directed towards hate promotion by the PA, its institutions and its NGOs. This advertisement is another example of the misuse of UN funding. An ad by a Palestinian youth organization, PYALARA, which is funded by UNICEF, shows an axe destroying a Star of David. The UNICEF logo is right on the ad. The large Star of David that has been destroyed has on it pictures of stars and stripes, presumably representing the USA, and an additional smaller Star of David.

The organization PYALARA (Palestinian Youth Association for Leadership and Rights Activation) has been funded by UNICEF since the year 2000: "PYALARA has been chosen by UNICEF as a major strategic partner in Palestine." [PYALARA website]

Lire la suite ICI

3 commentaires:

  1. Gilles-Michel DEHARBE23 mars 2010 à 22:05

    * We're pleased to report another BUYcott Israel success story! In Davis, California, the Davis Food Co-op turned down demands by BDS (boycott, divestment, sanctions) activists to put a boycott of Israeli goods to a Co-op wide vote. You can read more about this important victory here.

    Congratulations to Israel supporters in Davis, and especially to the Davis Food Co-op for firmly rejecting the malicious BDS arguments.

    Sara Saber-Freedman

    Executive Vice President, Canada-Israel Committee, for the BUYcott Israel Team

  2. Gilles-Michel DEHARBE23 mars 2010 à 22:26

    Où est l'UNICEF, quand le Hamas utilise et endoctrine les enfants !

    L’UNICEF, plus de 60 ans au service des enfants (?)

    Dans plus de 150 pays, le Fonds des Nations unies pour l’enfance (UNICEF) agit pour améliorer les conditions de vie des enfants et de leur mère. Il contribue à la survie et à l’épanouissement des enfants, de leur plus jeune âge jusqu’à la fin de l’adolescence. Premier fournisseur mondial de vaccins dans les pays en développement, l’UNICEF soutient la santé et la nutrition des enfants, une éducation de base de qualité pour tous, garçons et filles, et la protection des enfants contre la violence, l’exploitation sous toutes ses formes et le sida.!!!

    * Droits de l'Enfant:

    UNICEF - Fondation des Nations Unies pour l'Enfance
    UNICEF - Innocenti Research Centre
    OIT/IPEC - Programme International sur l'Elimination du Travail des Enfants
    Aide et Action Suisse
    ASED - Action de Soutien à l'Enfance Démunie
    Association Anna Di Giusto pour l'enfance
    Casa Alianza Suisse
    Coalition pour mettre fin à l'utilisation d'enfants soldats

    etc ...

    ... la suite sur :


  3. Letter received by the Simon Wiesenthal center:

    UNICEF was not consulted by PYALARA about the use of its logo in a poster announcing a youth broadcast, and it condemns absolutely the use of its logo to imply endorsement of political opinions. Violent imagery like that
    used in the advertisement also runs counter to the UN’s values and

    Neither the poster nor the television programme it advertizes reflect UNICEF’s policies or its views.

    As soon as this incorrect use of the logo came to its attention, UNICEF contacted PYALARA to demand an explanation and to seek rectification.
    UNICEF has also demanded clarification as to the actual process and context in which the logo was used.

    UNICEF’s policy is clear on the use of its logo. Standard agreements with partners require prior approval in writing for the use of the UNICEF brand.
    PYALARA did not follow this process and UNICEF approval was not sought or granted.

    UNICEF's partnership agreement with PYALARA ended in January 2010. Prior to this, UNICEF had worked with PYALARA from 2000 to provide children and young people with a forum to voice their ideas and reach out to their peers. UNICEF's support was for media training, video documentation and
    peer-to-peer counselling, both in the West Bank and in the Gaza Strip.

    In light of the latest development, UNICEF will be carefully reviewing any proposed future partnerships with PYALARA.

    Christopher de Bono
