vendredi 22 janvier 2010

CBS News: l'hôpital de Tsahal est la ‘Rolls Royce’ de la médecine à Haïti

NBC : "Ce que les Israéliens ont apporté à Haïti est un modèle de réponse médicale à des situations de catastrophes."

CBS News (répété ici sur Sky News) qualifie l'hôpital militaire israélien de "Rolls Royce" de la médecine à Haïti.

Et qu'a fait la BBC (le plus grand organe de production et de diffusion de programmes de radio-télévision au monde)? Le lundi 18 janvier, Panorama le programme phare de nouvelles du groupe BBC, BBC1, a consacré à nouveau tout un programme à de l'agit-prop anti-Israël.
Source: Tom Gross

Here are some positive stories from major international media.

This is perhaps the most positive TV news coverage I have ever seen on Israelis since the advent of cable news.

This is a heart-warming piece here on WABC News (18 January): A brother of a resident of Queens, New York, is pulled out of the rubble by an Israeli rescue team after four days.

In this piece from Britain’s Sky News, the Israelis rescue a man alive after a very dangerous 8 hours digging in the debris.

This short CNN report piece (18 January) is worth watching: Infections out of control in Haiti

As is this item from Fox News (17 January):  Israeli doctors in Haiti

Below (and also here) NBC’s main evening news (January 19) says Israel “created the best field medicine available” and “What the Israelis have brought is a model for medical disaster response.”

And here is a story from ABC News (18 January): Miracle birth amid Haiti's rubble.

CBS News (as repeated here on Sky News) (18 January) calls the Israeli IDF hospital the "Rolls Royce" of medicine in Haiti.

And as for the BBC (the world’s biggest news broadcaster)? Instead Panorama, the flagship news program of the BBC’s main channel, BBC1, this evening again devoted the entire program to another piece of anti-Israeli agitprop.

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