samedi 24 octobre 2009

Tiens, ils n'ont vraiment pas l'air juifs !

"I am excited to arrive to the holy land. It is a dream come true."

Source: Ynet News via Israelly Cool (Funny, they don’t look Jewish)

Chinese descendants of ancient Jewish community make aliyah: "Immediately following their arrival, the seven knelt down and kissed the soil of the Holy Land. "My dream is to complete the process of converting to Judaism and become a certified rabbi, after which I will return to my community and serve as its first rabbi since the dissolve of the Jewish community some 150 years ago," said 23-year-old Yaacob Wang. "I am excited to arrive to the holy land. It is a dream come true," he added."

3 commentaires:

  1. De bien féroces sionistes ! ! ;-)


  2. Parce qu'il existe un type juif????

  3. Gilles-Michel DEHARBE25 octobre 2009 à 11:57

    À LIRE : " ÊTRE JUIF EN CHINE " de Nadine Perront, chez Albin Michel.

    L'histoire extraordinaire des communautés de Kaifeng et de Shangaï.
