mardi 1 septembre 2009

Presque un poème d'amour, Yehuda Amichai

Il y a 70 ans, éclatait la Seconde guerre mondiale qui allait mener à la destruction des juifs d'Europe : 6 millions de juifs (dont 1,5 million d'enfants) furent exterminés. Ne les oublions pas.

Presque un poème d'amour

Si mes parents et les tiens
n'avaient pas émigré en terre d'Israël
en 1936,
nous nous serions rencontrés en 1944
là. Sur la rampe d'Auschwitz.
Moi à l'âge de vingt ans,
et toi de cinq.

Où est ta mameh,
et ton tateh?

Quel est ton nom?

Aquarelle inédite de Fernando Silva (Rua da Judiaria)

Almost a Love Poem

If my parents and yours
hadn't emigrated to the Land of Israel
in 1936,
we would have met in 1944
there. On the ramp of Auschwitz.
I at twenty,
you at five.

Where's your mameh,
your tateh?

What's your name?

[Mameh=maman (Yiddish); Tateh=papa (Yiddish); Haneleh=diminutif de Hana.

Source: José Costa (O Cachimbo de Magritte, pour la version du poème en anglais)

4 commentaires:

  1. je reste sans voix devant la beauté de ce poème, et surtout de sa signification et de tout ce qu'il fait passer comme message.
    Je ne voudrais pas en dire plus, sinon je ne pourrais plus m'arrêter

    Kelman Wisnia

  2. Que dire devant un si magnifique écrit.
    Il nous bouleverse, nous laisse sans voix.
    Nous ne pouvons que nous sentir impliqués dans le devoir de mémoire, ce message qui nous est transmis doit être transmis par nos soins, afin que personne n'oublie.
    Sa signification s'intensifie à chaque mot, à chaque virgule.
    Mon coeur bât au rythme de ce "poème d'amour".

  3. Que de souffrances contenues dans ce poème .

  4. Gilles-Michel DEHARBE3 septembre 2009 à 12:11

    Enough is Enough! When senior UN officials in Gaza sound like spokesmen for Hamas … when they deny the Nazi Holocaust "is a human rights issue"… It's time for UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon to take action…and it's time to demand our governments suspend funding for UNRWA in Gaza….

    The Holocaust - the most profound example of man’s inhumanity to man in history - is universally accepted as the heart and soul of any human rights agenda. But even as the world gathered in Poland to commemorate the 70th anniversary of the start of World War II, in which fifty million human beings lost their lives, officials of the UN’s Relief Works Agency in Gaza were unilaterally deciding to eradicate any references to WWII’s Nazi Holocaust in UNRWA school curriculum. UNRWA must not act as if it is a subsidiary of Hamas.

    But Karen Abu Zayd, the
    commissioner-general of UNRWA, sounded very much like a Hamas official when she said at a press conference, "I can refute allegations that the UN school curriculum includes anything about the Holocaust… we focus on human rights in curriculum ...and the murder of six million Jews and five million other undesirables not a human rights issue." And John Ging, UNRWA’s Gaza Director, mocked UN policy when he declared, "There is no intention to integrate materials and topics [on the Holocaust] that are inconsistent with the desire of Palestinian society."

    Both UNRWA officials were responding to protests demanding that UNRWA drop the curriculum because, "the refugee camps committees categorically refuse to let our children be taught this lie created by the Jews and intensified by their media."

    Join the SWC campaign to demand that UN Secretary General Ban Ki-moon fire these senior UNRWA officials and put in place the Holocaust curriculum at UNRWA schools. The role of UNRWA must be to help set the stage for peace and reconciliation between Palestinians and Israelis, not as agents for the agenda of terrorist groups.

    DEMAND ACTION: Fire UN Officials Refusing to Teach the Holocaust in Gaza.
