mercredi 17 juin 2009

Stephen Tyrone Johns, In Memoriam

Washington : La fusillade [10 juin] au musée de la Shoah a fait un mort. Stephen T. John, 39 ans, l'agent de sécurité afro-américain décédé s'était opposé au meurtrier et a probablement sauvé la vie de plusieurs personnes. Barack Obama s'est dit choqué par cette agression raciste.

"Cet acte scandaleux nous rappelle que nous devons rester vigilants face à l'antisémitisme et aux préjugés sous toutes leurs formes. Aucune institution américaine n'a plus d'importance en ce sens que le musée de l'Holocauste et aucun acte de violence ne diminuera notre détermination à honorer les disparus, en construisant un monde plus pacifique et tolérant", a déclaré le président américain.

Source: Guysen
The Museum mourns the tragic passing of Officer Stephen Tyrone Johns, who died heroically in the line of duty on June 10 protecting our visitors and staff. There are no words to express our grief and shock over the loss of a cherished friend and exemplary colleague, who served as a Special Police Officer at the Museum for six years. He was a dedicated professional whose outgoing personality and warm smile will be deeply missed by his Museum family.

Our thoughts and prayers go out to his wife, his children, and his entire family.

The Museum has established a special fund for the benefit of Officer Johns’ family. Make a gift to the USHMM Officer Johns Family Fund. 100% of your gift will go to the family.Due to IRS regulations, gifts are not tax deductible.

Checks payable to USHMM Officer Johns Family Fund may be mailed to USHMM, 100 Raoul Wallenberg Place, SW, Washington DC 20024.

Source: United States Holocaust Memorial Museum

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